萨基诺娃恋爱对象版:https://sakinorva.net/test/romantic_preferences 注:测的是你想要的谈恋爱的对象的八维和16 personalities,不是你的人格类型!不要搞混了。 才储48题版:http://www.apesk.com/mbti2/rongge/ 题比较难懂。测试结果还有详细解释。 萨诺基娃96题非迫选全英语版:https://sakinorva.net/func...
1.荣格斯认知功能测试 72题(专业版) 荣格认知功能测试【专业版】www.jungus.cn/zh-hans/test/ 2.才储(非迫选48题) 荣格八维测试www.apesk.com/mbti2/rongge/ 3.sakinorav(英文非迫选96题) mbti cognitive function test (grant/brownsword)sakinorva.net/functions 4.心理成长 荣格心理类型认知...
You can learn more about these 8 resources or mental functions in an article I've written elsewhere in PersonalityPathways . . . how to recognize them in yourself and perhaps develop them as well as recognizing and understanding them as others may use them. See Descriptions of the Jung-Myers...
MBTI认知功能:Ne功能——探索无限的可能性 MBTI认知功能(Cognitive Functions)一共有 8 个:Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi。 MBTI理论认为,每个人都有四个主要的认知功能,它们是人们在感知和判断事物时使用的心理过程。其中两个是感知功能(Sensing或Intuition),两个是判断功能(Thinking或Feeling),并且每个功...
MBTI认知功能(Cognitive Functions)一共有 8 个:Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi。 MBTI理论认为,每个人都有四个主要的认知功能,它们是人们在感知和判断事物时使用的心理过程。其中两个是感知功能(Sensing或Intuition),两个是判断功能(Thinking或Feeling),并且每个功能都有外倾(Extraverted)或内倾(Introverted...
Judging Functions: Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) Perceiving Functions: Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) Attitude or Orientation: Introverted (I) and Extraverted (E) You can see by the diagrams that INFP, although an Introverted Type, does have an Extraverted Face. Since the primary function ...
Conscious ego FunctionsSubconscious Functions Priority#1 HERO +Access#2 PARENT -Access#3 CHILD +Access#4 INFERIOR -Access#5 NEMESIS -Access#6 CRITIC -Access#7 TRICKSTER -Access#8 DEMON -Access INFJnifetisenefitesi ENFPnefitesinifetise ISTJsitefinesetifeni ...
The “irrational” (perceiving) functions:Sensation and Intuition The cognitive functions are then broken down into 16 different personality types based on how the functions are paired with each other. After you take the test, you will be given one of the 16 different personality types which is...
This behavioral analysis instrument has been developed over many years to provide individuals with knowledge of how their innate personality functions play an important role in how he or she may be perceived by others. When dealing with change, each MBTI® Personality Type tends to approach ...
For an introduction to basic Myers-Briggs Type Indicator & Myers Briggs personality concepts, visit* An Introduction to Myers Briggs Personality Types *page. For an introduction to the 16 personality types, the interpretation ofMyers Briggs "personality test "results, and related content on determinin...