MBTI性格测试国际版-16型人格测试 MBTI迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标-16种职业类型 知乎用户D5FwdI · 6 篇内容 订阅专栏推荐文章登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答主 更深度的互动交流 更高效的创作环境立即登录/注册
The Internet and print publications are replete with profiles of each of the 16 Personality Types, providing descriptions of the characteristics that mark that particular type. Sometimes people find these descriptions quite spot-on, whereas others may read several characteristics that don’t ring true ...
3. Personality Perfect: This website offers a free personality test that provides insight into your personality type based on the Jungian cognitive functions. It categorizes individuals into different personality types and provides detailed descriptions of each type. 4. Truity: Truity offers a variety...
做你自己,诚实回答,找出你的性格类型。 了解你的性格类型如何在你生活的各个领域中产生影响。 借助我们的精选材料,塑造你想要的自我。 Question 1 of 60.你经常交新朋友。 Question 1 of 60.你经常交新朋友。 同意 我强烈同意我比较同意我同意我不确定我不同意我比较不同意我强烈不同意 ...
https://www.16personalities.com/ch/%E4%BA%BA%E6%A0%BC%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95 复制到浏览器即可打开 23/10/15,我重生了。 二编:这个网站不是我造的,我也不是这个方面的专业人士,就是自己看到了这个链接然后想着可能挺多人都不知道这个的我就发出来了,确实有很多要花钱的专业测试,做了90几题结果测...
又称16型人格,是一种人格分类方式,其理论由美国心理学家布里格斯母女在荣格的8种心理类型的基础上创立。具体可以百度。 MBTI测试:Free personality test, type descriptions... 16personalities.com 这是英文版,点右上角可以切换成中文。不过中英文的题目不一样,建议测英文的,题目更精准一点。这个网站还有很多MBTI科普...
About the 16 MBTI® Personality Types MBTI® Reliability and Validity What is the Rarest Personality Type? What is the Most Common Myers-Briggs Personality Type? What is the Most Complex Myers-Briggs Personality Type? Why is The MBTI® Assessment So Popular? Are you born with your Myers...
Barnum Effect in psychology isthe phenomenon that occurs when individuals believe that personality descriptions apply specifically to them (more so than to other people), despite the fact that the description is actually filled with information that applies to every...
mbti测试更新了 来自: momo 2023-04-28 17:42:49 重庆 Free personality test, type descriptions... 16personalities.com (PS:中文翻译有不准确的地方) 原版题库我测的是isfj,新题库测的是esfj赞 回应 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 Chris醉醉葡萄 2023-04-29 09:10:11 山东 我从esfp变成了ESFJ 赞(1) ...