内容提示: Daimler AG MBN 10284-1Engineering Standard Date Published: 2011-04Folder: 22 Supersedes: MBN 10284-1: 2008-03 Total Number of Pages (incl. Annex): 32 Person in charge: Dr. Martin Aidam Plant 059; Dept.: GR/AIB Tel.: +49 160 86 75530 EMC Performance Requirements – Vehicle ...
MBN-10284-1-2001.8-EN August 2001DaimlerChryslerRoad vehiclesEMC requirements and tests of E/E systemsPart 1: Vehicle test proceduresMBN10284-1Supersedesedition:Continued on pages 2 to 24Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AGD-70546 StuttgartNormung (EP/QDN)Technical responsibility (Name): GurtnerDepartment: ...
奔驰汽车EMC电磁兼容标准MBN 10284-1 2011-04
August 2001 DaimlerChrysler Road vehicles EMC requirements and tests of E/E systems Part 1: Vehicle test procedures Date of translation 2002-03 MBN 10284-1 Supersedes edition: 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.7 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4. 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 4. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2...
戴姆勒EMC性能要求-组件测试(MBN10284-2_2011-04).pdf,戴姆勒(MBN 10284-2_2011-04) EMC 性能要求-组件测试(乘用车和厢式货车) 1、范围 a、 该工程标准定义了车辆中电气和电子元件 和系统的 EMC 性能要求。它描述了测试方法并指定了 测试级别和限制。目的是确保车辆的电
MBN_10284-2_2011-04 下载积分: 1900 内容提示: Daimler AG MBN 10284-2Engineering Standard Date Published: 2011-04Folder: 22 Supersedes: MBN 10284-2: 2008-03 Total Number of Pages (incl. Annex): 35 Person in charge: Dr. Martin Aidam Plant 059; Dept.: GR/AIB Tel.: +49 160 86 ...
cles. It shall be used in combination with MBN 10284-1 that defines the EMC performance requirements for vehicle tests. All deviations shall be explicitly agreed and documented in the Lastenheft (component product specifica- tion). 2 Normative References ...
戴姆勒(MBN 10284-2_2011-04) EMC 性能要求-组件测试(乘用车和厢式货车) 1、 范围 a、 该工程标准定义了车辆中电气和电子元件 和系统的 EMC 性能要求。它描述了测试方法并指定了 测试级别和限制。目的是确保车辆的电磁兼容(EMC) b、 本标准应与 MBN 10284-1(车辆测试)和 MBN 10284-3(高压附加要求 )结合...
MBN 10284-2_2001.8_EN August 2001 DaimlerChrysler Road vehicles EMC requirements and tests of E/E systems Part 2: Component test procedures Date of translation 2002-03 MBN 10 284-2 Supersedes edition: Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8.1...
公司地址福州市马尾区湖里路27号1#楼2-60E室(自贸试验区内)统一社会信用代码91350105MA2YGEGP3K 组织机构代码MA2YGEGP-3注册资本100万人民币 营业期限49584-01-12至69581-09-14经营状态存续 公司类型有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)成立日期2017-08-13 ...