MBEW etc., you should call up the relevant EXTEND component after reading the data from the table. This then returns the data as though no change had taken place in the previous logic. You can then remove the prior-period values from the known fields. ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hello Do I understand correct that 1. MBEW table containts material stock value split by valuation type 2. MBEWH table contains the history of material stock value by the last day of each period 3. the value of last period in tabl...
1. MBEW table containts material stock value split by valuation type 2. MBEWH table contains the history of material stock value by the last day of each period 3. the value of last period in table MBEWH should match the value in the table MBEW If everything above is correct why does...
The history table is not affected by this operation since an entry already exists for period 01. The current stock is increased to 17 pieces. In period 04, a goods issue of 4 pieces occurs. Now, the system adds an entry for period 03 with a stock of 17 pieces in the history table....
Now,anentryisaddedinthehistorytableforperiod01withastockof10pieces.Simultaneously,thecurrentstockisincreasedto15piecesandthe'CurrentPeriod' field(LFMON)issetto02. Inperiod02,anadditionalgoodsreceiptoccurswith2pieces. Thehistorytableisnotaffectedbythisoperationsinceanentryalreadyexistsforperiod01.Thecurrentstockis...
In period 02, an additional goods receipt occurs with 2 pieces. The history table is not affected by this operation since an entry already exists for period 01. The current stock is increased to 17 pieces. In period 04, a goods issue of 4 pieces occurs. ...
14,085 SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) HI all, What is the difference between MBEWH & MBEW table. Does MBEWH table give closing stock as on starting date of the current period?? Discussion locked. Reason: Basic query & duplicate post -http://scn.sap.com/thread/3441099Know...