I am trying to upload the captured images on google cloud, it uploading up to 12 images after that it returning the following error, E (600424) esp-tls: mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x10 E (600434) esp-tls: Failed to open new connecti...
I (36053) mbedtls: ssl_tls.c:2718 ssl->f_recv(_timeout)() returned -76 (-0x004c) W (36053) mbedtls: ssl_tls.c:5019 mbedtls_ssl_fetch_input() returned -76 (-0x004c) W (36063) mbedtls: ssl_tls.c:4338 ssl_get_next_record() returned -76 (-0x004c) W (36073) mbedtls: ssl...
mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700 Postbydevonmagan»Fri May 10, 2024 1:25 pm Good Day I'm about to pull out all the remaining hair in my head. So if anybody can help me, I would honestly really appreciate it. So my code works perfectly fine connecting to the test mosquito ...
Thu 04/23/20 21:42:11 ssl_tls.c:2722: ssl->f_recv(_timeout)() returned -80 (-0x0050) Thu 04/23/20 21:42:11 ssl_tls.c:4973: mbedtls_ssl_fetch_input() returned -80 (-0x0050) Thu 04/23/20 21:42:11 ssl_tls.c:4344: ssl_get_next_record() returned -80 (-0x0050) Thu...
Hello, I am trying to open a SSL connection to an AWS Cloudfront server from an ESP32 using mbedtls. The mbedtls_ssl_handshake function always returns -0x7200. From what I have seen this may be because the the buffer…
E (5171) esp-tls: mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x7200 I (5171) esp-tls: Certificate verified. E (5171) esp-tls: Failed to open new connection E (5171) TRANS_SSL: Failed to open a new connection E (5181) HTTP_CLIENT: Connection failed, sock < 0 E (5191) esp_https_ota...
访问云函数提示 mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700 用的https,提示我证书无效,有效证书哪里拿呢?
1. 解释 -0x72 错误码在 mbedtls_ssl_handshake 中的含义 在Mbed TLS 中,-0x72 对应的十进制错误码是 -114,这通常表示 MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_PEER_CLOSE_NOTIFY。这个错误码意味着在 TLS 握手过程中,对等方(peer)发送了一个关闭通知(close notify)警报,表明它希望优雅地关闭连接。然而,在握手阶段接收到关闭通知通...
最近写了一个接口,提示连接失败,于是在本地发布了一下,然后模拟post请求进行本地调试,发现能正常进入接口,中间也没问题,一直走到最后一步return时,也能return,但是就是返回不了数据,百思不得其解,遂想是不是解析数据时报错了,后来发现此接口的返回参数类型是BaseEntity List <Entity> 其中entity 是...
mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700 Postbydevonmagan»Fri May 10, 2024 1:25 pm Good Day I'm about to pull out all the remaining hair in my head. So if anybody can help me, I would honestly really appreciate it. So my code works perfectly fine connecting to the test mosquito ...