I have no longer been able to use the PIL mode with the MBD toolbox for s32k1xx evaluation boards, for models that are more complex than the example of switching on the LED via blocxco GPIO, with simulation input managed with the toggle button. It's really the on...
1,457 Views cg0 Contributor II hello, Last year I was told that, according to the internal roadmap, the new version of S32K1xx MBD-Toolbox will be released in the later Q2 of 2019. And now is the Q3, from the website, the toolbox still 3.0 version, and this version doesn't su...
SIL Testing Issue with NXP S32K3xx Hardware Board bydb_1008a month agoLatest postTuesdaybyAbhijeet_ 0 4 configure CAN to send different IDs bymallendemarcosMondayLatest postTuesdaybymallendemarcos 0 2 Resources and exmaples of BMS Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) ...
下面是license.dat文件的内容: #Model-Based Design Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink - Model-Based Design Toolbox #for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Family for miao chengxiang Software #Account # License for DISK_SERIAL_NUM=F209A1EC Windows-SSD INCREMENT MC_Toolbox_S32K freescale 1.0 01-dec-2042 ...
{Toolbox install dir}\NXP_MBDToolbox_S32K1xx\code\mbdtbx_s32k14\mbdtbx_s32k14\ folder mbd_s32k14_ec_toolbox.mdl file {Toolbox install dir}\NXP_MBDToolbox_S32K1xx\code\mbdtbx_s32k14\mbdtbx_s32k14\mscripts\pdb\ folder mbd_s32k14_trgmux_get_trgsrc_enum.p file {Tool...
I cannot generate licence for Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Family 4.3.0 the error message is The call to lmcrypt
This page summarize all Model-Based Design Toolbox videos related with S32K Product Family. How To Control an LED via Push Button on S32K144EVB How
I am asking this because you could address the 16-cell battery pack using the S32K344 in combination with the MC33774 as the main Battery Cell Controller and the MC33772C as the main Battery junction box. You could basically use the RD-HVBMSCTBUN b...
Solved: Windows 10 Simulink 2020a MBDT for S32K1xx S32K144EVB-Q100 I have a model where I try to send out 3 CAN messages. Each message is sent on a
{Toolbox install dir}\NXP_MBDToolbox_S32K1xx\code\mbdtbx_s32k14\mbdtbx_s32k14\ folder mbd_s32k14_ec_toolbox.mdl file {Toolbox install dir}\NXP_MBDToolbox_S32K1xx\code\mbdtbx_s32k14\mbdtbx_s32k14\mscripts\pdb\ folder mbd_s32k14_trgmux_get_trgsrc_enum.p file ...