总之呢,二年级的选课,全看你的个人兴趣,是不会受到concentration 的任何限制的。 MBA都有什么方向? #Google大法好。# 想要看学校都有什么concentrations,最简单的方法就是Google:concentration+ 学校的名字。 HBS没有「concentration」,而是把课程按照FacultyUni...
Two of the most common paths are an MBA (Master in Business Administration) with a concentration/specialization/certificate in finance, and an MFE (Master in Financial Engineering), which is sometimes called a Master in Financial Mathematics. Although there is some overlap between the two paths re...
请问听说过MBA下面..我是11月申请的marketing的研究生专业,到现在还没有offer。但是今天收到一个邮件是推荐说一个program,是MBA下面的marketing concentration这个program。
Anneliese Jennings, who graduated in 2021 with an MBA in finance from Drexel University’sLeBow College of Businessin Pennsylvania, had her undergraduate degree in marketing and was interested in financial analytics and investment banking. She chosefinanceas her concentration. “I figured that having ...
Compare an MBA With Other Management Graduate Degrees. MBA programs include classes about various business functions ranging from operations to strategy, and theMBA curriculumprovides an overview of how all the pieces of a company fit together. Though MBA students may elect toconcentrate onan academic...
The right MBA concentration can open new career paths. Consider your interests and career goals when choosing an MBA specialization.
全日制MBA也接受‼️应届毕业生 或工作经验少于3年的申请人,但可能需要参加港城的Concentration Curriculum. 【学费】 全日制MBA 456000港币 【24fall申请截止时间】 3月31截止 以上是香港top 5 MBA的基本申请要求介绍,虽然免联考,但申请香港MBA还是需要准备申请材料、面试等,点下方⬇️找我了解更多申请信息~ ...
2025美国索菲亚大学MBA招生简章!美国硕士招生简章!美国索菲亚大学(Sofia University)位于美国加利福尼亚州(California)。是一所在心理学领域世界闻名的集本科、硕士、博士于一体的高级学府。拥有北加州硅谷(Palo Alto)和南加州硅滩(costa mesa)两个校区,占地面积
Arab Emirates (UAE) (21)Uruguay (3)USA (861)Vanuatu (0)Venezuela (2)Vietnam (5)Yemen (7)Zimbabwe (2)Concentration---Accounting (40)Aerospace & Defense (2)Agricultural Economics (6)Architecture (1)Arts and Culture Management (3)Auditing (1)Aviation (3)Banking (17)Biotechnology Management...
Once you've decided on an area of focus,whether or notan MBA program offers the concentration you're interested in is a key factor in finding your best-fit program. Our free guide,Finding Your Best Fit Full-Time MBA Program,gives you the expert tips and guidance you need to confidently ...