University of Massachusetts--Boston 2024 Part-Time Rankings University of Massachusetts--Boston is Unranked in Best Business Schools and No. 87 (tie) out of 269 in Part-time MBA. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. How we rank sc...
University of Massachusetts--Amherst (Isenberg) Part-Time MBA Program The Part-time MBA Program allows quality learning tailored to the student’s life / work schedule and timetable for degree completion. The curriculum includes two foundation courses (if applicable), eleven core courses...
Bengaluru, January 16, 2024: In response to the growing demand for professionals equipped with a global mindset and an acute understanding of diverse local business needs, the University of Massachusetts Global (UMass Global), a distinguished ins...
马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts,简称UMass)是美国的一所公立大学,其大学体系包括五个校区:马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校、马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校、马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校、马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校和位于伍斯特的马萨诸塞大学医学院以及位于斯普林菲尔德的分校,此外还有遍布加州和华盛顿的25个校区以及马萨诸塞...
The application deadline for the online MBA programs at University of Massachusetts--Boston, a public school, is rolling. Eighty-five percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. For these programs, all of the online classes are recorded and archived. Students should also note...
第5名:Massachusetts Institute of Technology 地理位置:马萨诸塞州剑桥市 录取率:17.8%平均GMAT分数:730项目人数:817年学费:86,550美元毕业时就业率:80.5%毕业后3个月就业率:90.8% 麻省理工学院为期2年的MBA课程侧重于管理的分析方面,包括经济分析、数据模型和组织流程。学生将学习各种核心课程和选修课程...
The application deadline for the online MBA programs at University of Massachusetts Global, a private school, is rolling. For these programs, all of the online classes are recorded and archived. About the Online MBA Degree Program Content in this section is provided by the school. READ MORE ...
约RMB136万元)。麻省大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)的伊森伯格管理学院(Isenberg)在毕业回报率方面排名第一,在毕业3年后,该校的薪资平均比入学前高出188%。2023MBA完整排名以下是排名的具体情况▼ 最后来说说,你的梦校上榜了吗?欢迎评论区留言讨论哦~(本文图片均来源网络)
Harvard University 图片来源:学校官网 地理位置:Boston, Massachusetts录取率:13.2%平均GMAT分数:730项目人数:1,953年学费:$74,910毕业时的就业率:70.8%毕业3个月后的就业率:85.2% 哈佛大学的 MBA 课程强调创业精神,超过 50% 的毕业生会自己创...
马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst,简称UMass Amherst)成立于1863年,位于美国东部小城阿默斯特,是一所公立研究型大学,也是马萨诸塞大学系统的旗舰学校。学校初名“马萨诸塞农学院(Massachusetts Agricultural College)”,是根据美国著名的“莫里尔捐地法案(联邦莫里尔赠地学院法案)”成立的,...