德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin) ,简称UT-Austin,创建于1883年,坐落在美国南部德克萨斯州首府奥斯汀市,是世界著名的顶尖公立研究型大学,也是全美最负盛名的“公立常春藤”最初八所院校之一。 建校初期,奥斯汀分校占地仅40英亩,有1栋大楼,8名教师,2个系,221名学生;如今,已发展为占地近400英亩,...
UT Austin McCombs School of Business: Employment Report and Salaries 2022 The biggest chunk of MBA graduates of Texas McCombs entered the Technology industry (31.8%), followed by consulting (22%), and financial services (17.8%). Graduates recruited into the consulting in...
UT-Austin有494,000名校友分布于全世界100多个国家,商界知名校友有Dell公司创始人Michael Dell(肄业)、埃克森美孚董事长兼CEO Rex Tillerson等。McCombs商学院有102,076名校友,遍布美国全部州和103个国家,其中23,721位是MBA毕业生,学院在12个国家/地区设有30个活跃的校友分会。McCombs商学院提供MBA...
associate degree-holders can practice in most states after law school and the bar, but many schools prefer a four-year degree. gabriel kuris nov. 18, 2024 load more best colleges national universities liberal arts colleges regional universities regional colleges business programs ...
view as article explore the 30 public business schools that place highest in the full-time mba rankings. university of california—berkeley (haas): 7 (tie) university of virginia (darden): 10 (tie) university of michigan—ann arbor (ross): 12 (tie) university of texa...
5. University of Texas, Austin This elite business school in Texas, UT Austin’s McCombs School of Business, offers an MBA that is also a proven value. First of all, there are six programs to choose from, from the Full-Time, Evening, and Executive MBA tracks, to extension programs in...
面试开始,他直接问到“为什么现在选择申请UT Austin的MBA项目?”和“你能为UT Austin带来什么价值?”我提到自己作为钢铁工业女性的独特视角,拥有多国跨文化工作经验,这有助于与同学更好地交流,丰富学校氛围。接下来,他追问了跨文化沟通中遇到的挑战及解决方法。面试继续深入,询问我对当前工作的感受...
耐不住性子的我。。蠢蠢欲动,开始没事找事了。。。于是乎发现了UT,发现了这学校的parttime全美前十,我kao,这能不申请么?不试白不试嘛!正好有个同事刚从Babston毕业来了我们公司,说她去过austin,去过UT,校园美得很,就这样正式踏上不归路了。。。 写essay...
The Austin location provides great access to the city’s booming tech and VC scene. Location: Austin, Texas Average GMAT: 704 Average GPA: 3.48 Class Size: 255 Acceptance Rate: 34% Learn more about the UT Austin McCombs MBA Program More on McCombs: McCombs: Business School in the Heart...