This program is one of the best major in UCAM. Hopefully, UCAM will provide Chinese students with a high-quality course through this program. No matter what industry you are from, this program will provide necessary help for your career development through a set of systematic specialization cour...
Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Education through All Curricula of MBA Course: Taking Operations Management as an Example GUO Jie (School of Management, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China) Ab...
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completing this course, students should be able to: ∙understand the strategic role of operations management in creating and enhancing a firm’s competitive advantages ∙understand key concepts and issues of OM in both manufacturing and service organizations ∙understand the...
Therefore, an exploratoryinvestigation was made of operations management teaching on the MBA courses often leading European business schools. The results show that course content issimilar across schools, but there are large variations on three dimensions: thetime allocated by schools to the subject; ...
Operations Management 运营管理Organizational Behavior 组织行为学 Academic Lecture 学术报告会 International Business Law 国际商法 Business Analytic and E-commerce 商务分析与电子商务 International Finance 国际金融 Dialectic of Nature自然辩证法概论 Scientific writing,integrity and ethics 学术写作、规范和伦理 ...
International Course Module (1 Week) 国际课程模块 (1周) Doing Business in China 在中国做生意 Cross-cultural Management 跨文化管理 Entrepreneurship Management 创业管理 Human Resource Management 人力资源管理 Fintech 金融科技 Enterprises Practice Project 企业实践 ...
Field Course: Scaling Minority Businesses (also listed under General Management) 规模化少数族裔的商业 Field Course: Startup Operations 创业公司的运营 Field Course: Venture Capital Journey 风险资本的旅程 Financial Management of Smaller Firms (also listed under Finance) 小公司的金融管理 ...
KeyWords:Comprehensivelaboratorycourse;OperationsManagement;MBAteachingandre— search 一 、引言 《运营管理》作为MBA学员的一门专业核心课 程,逐渐受到从事生产运作领域教学和研究者的重 视。生产运作是企业生产经营管理中最为重要的一 部分,需要从宏观上进行战略控制,整合多方部门资 ...
1 MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA) CollegeofBusinessAdministration KingSaudUniversity CourseSyllabus CourseTitle:OperationsManagement CourseCode:BUS571 Semester:Fall2007 Instructor:Dr.SulaimanA.Al-Hudhaif Office:2A-223 Phone:467-4040(Off) 467-4110(Sec) E-mail:sulaiman_mis@yahoo,
Course Content (1)必修课 颠覆性创新的营销原则 Marketing Principles for Disruptive Innovations企业管理基础 Foundations of Business Management商务沟通 Business Communications领导与组织行为 Leadership and Organizational Behavior财务会计 Financial Accounting商法 Business Law 项目管理 Project Management 全球经济和技术...