在行业上举凡科技业、电商、制造业、医疗产业、快消(快消有sponsor H1B的公司较少)等都是500强所招聘的范围。另外,在职能上包含的也很广,常见的职位包括:marketing、strategy、PM、corporate finance还有管培项目等,更有机会找到与之前工作经验有共鸣的职位。 500强的招聘流程 那500强的招聘到底是个怎么样的流程呢?
• Interested in career development at marketing and strategy functions.• Critical thinking and basic knowledge of finance and economics• MBA is preferred. 江女士 2周内活跃 艺康·招聘主管 竞争力分析 加载中... 个人综合排名:在人中排名第 一般 良好 优秀 极好 BOSS 安全提示 BOSS直聘严禁...
【Markets, Strategy, and Management】5门: Introduction to Marketing Analysis; Fundamentals of Market Research; Principles of Strategy; Foundations of Management and Organizations; Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management. 专业分支和学位情况 通常,管理学包含以下几个常见分支方向: Ø战略管理 S...
2、ify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy. Discuss customer relationship management and strategies for building lasting customer relationships.,Road Map: Previewing the Concepts,1 - 4,Describe the majo ...
I repurposed my real estate business to pursue wholesaling -– selling properties under contract to investors for a modest profit. I saw some early success with my marketing strategy as I received several promising leads and successfully got a few properties under contract. Still, after open house...
Marketing strategy is a set of business tactics which help companies grow in the market through effective research, marketing, promotion & advertising. Marketing strategy defines the company’s marketing & advertising strategies based on business goals.
Marketingisascience,isabehavior,isanart.下面介绍几种有关Marketing的著名定义:一、市场营销的内涵 ■USA市场营销协会定义委员会(AMA):MARKETING是引导商品或劳务从生产者到达消费者(或用户)手中所实行的企业活动。■英国市场营销协会:一个企业如果要生存、发展和盈利,就必须有意识地根据用户和消费者的需要与潜在...
中国经济管理大学 MBA教辅加里·阿姆斯特朗《市场营销学》教师手册 Contents Preface Chapter 1: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships 1 Chapter 2: Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 21 Chapter 3: The Marketing Environment 39 Chapter 4: Managing Marketing ...
This paper presents results from the study ofpreferred thinking patterns - the mental model - among professional attending Marketing MBA and concludes that one of the causes of the difficulties faced by them with the demands ofstrategic matters is the preferred mental model or thinking patterns. ...
Interested in career developkanzhunment at marketing and strategy functions. • Critical thinking and basic knowledge of finance and economics • MBA is preferred. 职位详情 上海 不限 大专 销售 一.你每天的工作内容,是这样的! ! 1.负责线上渠道的房产信息维护,打造个人的专业品牌; 2.为客户匹配...