领导力、影响力、说服力 leadership、Influence&Persuasion,太多这个领域的大师都在商学院教这个书了,我最喜欢的商学院 leadership的教授就是Adam grant。我最近在看他的新书,他之前写的包括given take,包括originals都是我们非常喜欢,也非常有用的,这些大师总结出来的很多东西,我觉得太有智慧的之光了,你学一门感觉看...
纯技术背景在leadership上体现有一定难度,但我举了一个很好的例子反应自己的leadership,比如我刚到这个小公司,process不是很standard,所以很主动地跟manager提意见,觉得如何优化process才能提高开发软件的质量和效率,得到了manager的批准,然后我再去motivate其他的software engineer参与这个process中来等等。这个例子一来解释了...
比如有很强的hard skills,例如modeling skills,也有很好的strategic thinking的能力,也有很好的分析能力,这些都是可以在申请中突出的。但要注意的是,因为我们这个行业很多时候会更强调个人素质,而不是团队协作,所以会经常被challenge的一点就是你的teamwork/collaboration的能力和你的leadership。我觉得这点申请者需要好好地...
这里多说一句,很多背景很好很聪明的MBA学生,真正面试的时候一聊起来,会发现他们对这个industry了解非常少,建议大家做足功课,搞懂你去面试这家公司所在的行业。第二是Leadership:不光看和跟着别人做事情,能够自己是一个leader。第三是Googleyness:在Google每个人定义不太一样,没有正确答案,但都会考量这个人 是不是能...
A graduate degree is not required for most business positions, but it is advantageous – especially for employees looking to climb the corporate ladder, earn a higher salary or sharpen leadership skills. However, the current job market is competitive, says Liz Chilla, senior director o...
almost every member of the task force teams was volunteering to work late to come up with the best ideas. Involving all members in the creative process and discovering strategies for improvement made them feel empowered. This success taught me that leadership is more about strengthening the lines...
【Communication and Leadership】2门: Business Communication I; Business Communication II. 【Markets, Strategy, and Management】5门: Introduction to Marketing Analysis; Fundamentals of Market Research; Principles of Strategy; Foundations of Management and Organizations; Introduction to Operations and Supply ...
• fast learner /adapt oneself to analytical and problem solving skill potential of management and leadership appreciated and recognized improve systematically management knowledge keep things under control6. 取得的成就(Achievement) : • Talking about my biggest achieve...
Highlight what makes you, your training, and your experience special. Focus on your advanced education in leadership, communication, networking, and strategic thinking. Use your cover letter to give specific examples and experiences applying these skills. ...
This means that choosing an MBA specialization often goeshand-in-handwith choosing an MBA degree in general, as well asa business school. There is noeasy wayto make this decision. Especially considering thecost of an MBA, thisisn'tsomething you want to rush into. ...