TOP 1 in NEW YORK:纽约唯——所同时拥有NAAB和CIDA国际认证的学校 TOP 15%:全美毕业生薪资最具潜力大学 权威认证 美国独立理工大学联盟成员(AITU) 美国高等教育认证委员会( 中国教育部教育涉外监管网信息认证( 中国驻美大使馆教育处认证( 工商管理硕士(商业管理方向) ...
New York, NY 10012Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in MBA full time The sector of MBA Full Time The directives positions must be occupied by managers and entrepreneurs capable of directing and leading organizations in a competitive, global and dynamic env...
TOP 1:彭博商业周刊投资回报率商学院全美第一 TOP 1 in NEW YORK:纽约唯——所同时拥有NAAB和CIDA国际认证的学校 TOP 15%:全美毕业生薪资最具潜力大学 权威认证 美国独立理工大学联盟成员(AITU) 美国高等教育认证委员会( 中国...
No information available New York University (NYU) New York University (NYU) Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in MBA part time The sector of MBA Part Time The directives positions must be occupied by managers and entrepreneurs capable of directing and leading organizations in a competitive...
New York, NY, 10023 Work at this school? Claim it here Fordham University (Gabelli) 2024 Executive Rankings Fordham University (Gabelli) is ranked No. 62 (tie) out of 124 in Best Business Schools and No. 42 (tie) out of 269 in Part-time MBA. Schools were assessed on their performance...
十二、哥伦比亚大学Columbia University in the City of New York 2024年美国MBA大学排名:12 十三、印第安纳大学伯明顿分校Indiana University-Bloomington 2024年美国MBA大学排名:13 十四、纽约大学New York University 2024年美国MBA大学排名:13 十五、德州农工大学Texas A & M University-College Station ...
If you’re on the lookout for a one-year MBA degree from one of the top business schools in New York City, look no further than theAndre Koo Tech MBAfromNYU Stern. It’s a fast, one-year, full-time MBA program that maximizes your time and financial investment. ...
第10名:哥伦比亚大学Columbia University in the City of New York。第11名:加州大学伯克利分校University of California-Berkeley。第12名:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校The University of Texas at Austin。第13名:康奈尔大学Cornell University。第14名:印第安纳大学伯明顿分校Indiana University-Bloomington。第15...
B-school where she earned her MBA: Columbia Business School in New York City U.S. News business school rank: 11 (tie) Prior to becoming a leader in the health care sector, Boudreaux earned two degrees from Ivy League schools, including a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College i...
3、16个月全日制MBA 16个月的MBA是从传统的两年MBA的基础上演变而来的。学生不做暑假的工作,连续16个月,用四个学期完成MBA。在美国的工商管理学院中,哈佛大学(Harvard University),哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)和纽约大学(New York University)等学校有这种计划。