金融行政硕士Executive Master in Finance INSEAD的EMFin提供比MBA更高的财务技能,同时能提供在其他景点的金融学位中所没有的领导力和管理能力的培养。我们的目标是为下一级财务领导者做好准备,以便他们能够推动未来的企业财务和投资管理行业。 INSEAD金融硕士项目课程周期由原本的20个月压缩到18个月,项目划分为6个课程...
背景:工程,计算机科学,数学,经济学,科学和商业 | M.S. in Finance | 项目简介 时长:12 个月 排名:TFE Times专业排名美国 17 特色:CFA 认证 学费:$39,600 课程:财务管理,企业融资,投资,风险管理,国际金融,管理金融学,金融建模与仿真,商业银行管理,企业战略估值,金融衍生品等 | 申请要求 GMAT:建议700左右 ...
如市场营销硕士(MS in Marketing)、金融硕士(MS in Finance)等。这些项目专注于特定的商业领域,为...
学生可以选择一/两个专业来强化职业水平,加深对目标行业或职能的了解: Technology Leadership / Consulting / Corporate Finance / Investment Management / Entrepreneurship / Brand Management / Marketing Analytics / Social Impact / Global Management / Executive Development / Health Care / Real Estate / Sustainab...
Northwestern University, an MA in biology/biochemistry from St. Louis University andanMBA in financefromBoston University. tipschina.gov.cn tipschina.gov.cn Poon拥有美国西北大学生物学学士学位、美国圣路易斯大学生物学/生物化学硕士学位以及美国波士顿大学金融专业工商管理硕士学位。
我当时在一家能源公司做Corporate Finance六年,最开始是管培生项目3年,后面有一年外派到阿曼工作,还有几个月在亚洲其他国家轮岗。做的事情偏财务分析,比如帮业务部门做预算,成本控制,还有资金管理等相关事情。 2. 暑假实习在MBB咨询公司工作的感受? MBA 第一年,暑假在MBB的一家实习,实习十周。做的主要项目,是帮某...
The researchers put this phenomenon down to change in business-schoolsyllabuses. MBA programmes, says Mr He, have over the years grown less focused on technical aspects of finance and management, and more obsessed with maximising shareholder value and corporate leanness. ...
Reduces cost of doing business 2. Reduces exchange rate risk B. Costs 1. Lack of national monetary flexibility. * * CHAPTER 4 International Finance and Currency: Parity Conditions PART I. ARBITRAGE AND THE LAW OF ONE PRICE I. THE LAW OF ONE PRICE A. Law states: Identical goods sell for...
For many individuals looking to advance their careers in business, earning a master of business administration (MBA) degree may seem like an obvious way to get ahead. But if you work in the world of finance or economics, getting a specialized degree might be a better alternative. ...
Business Administration(MBA). An MBA offers a broad curriculum in finance, markets, accounting, entrepreneurship, and management. But a more focused alternative that is becoming increasingly popular is a master's degree in finance—also known as Master of Finance, Master's in Finance, or simply ...