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项目运营主管/Project Operations Manager 【 北京-建国门 】 15-25k 3-5年 本科 绩效奖金五险一金领导好岗位晋升 Special A 培训服务 A轮融资 1-49人 薛先生 HR 项目运营主管/经理 【 楚雄州-中新街 】 5-8k 5-10年 大专 五险一金带薪年假节日礼物定期体检 云南国药器械医用耗材有限公司 医疗器械...
管理学是一个通识性的学科,未来的就业方向也比较广泛,比如该专业毕业生常选择的工作岗位为:Analytics 分析;Arts management 艺术管理;Business Development 商务拓展;Client/Customer Relationship Management 客户/消费者关系管理;Communications 传播;Consulting 咨询;General Management 综合管理;Health management 健康管理;HR...
管理者与领导者的角色认知 经理人的双重身份 两种权力基础 职位权力 法定权 → 做出的任何决定须符合组织规范 强制权 → 对违反规定的行为及时纠正 奖赏权 → 要给下级与其成绩相称的奖励 关联权 → 努力工作,争取上级更大的信任 个人权力 关照权 → 注意了解下级的需求,保持良好的沟通 ...
On the other hand, Masters are generally geared towards students who are looking to obtain specialist, advanced theoretical or practical knowledge in only one area. So, you could choose to study a master’s in finance, in HR Management or in Business Analytics. Most student who study an MSc...
清华经管为清华产业创新MBA项目设置了特色实践模块——创新整合实战项目(Innovation Capstone Project, ICP)。ICP整合了MBA整合实践项目与工商管理案例大赛的优势与经验,在教授的带领与指导之下,涵盖公司走访、高管交流、企业鲜活课题(产业创新、产品创新方向)研讨,为企业课题提供咨询报告,促进学生在产业创新领域的进一步提升...
Currently iam pursuing my degree in electronics.I am intrested to do mba in finance,HR or banking.among the three wichone wl b bettr and vl finance b tuff .i dont hav good knwledge in commerce. Reply Sarvgyan Team March 5, 2015 at 11:18 am ...
Again, all of them were incredibly interesting topics with open discussions in class, in addition with guest speakers almost every week during lectures. On the other hand, it was time for all MCTs to do the Company Project as well as the Social Project. Attending presentations and prepa...
HR Management 人力资源管理 Managerial Economics 管理经济学 Management Information Systems 管理信息系统Special Topics on Finance 金融专题Management of International Operations 跨国管理International Marketing 国际营销 Strategic Management 战略管理 Project Management 项目管理 ...