Real Estate Investment/ Asset Management Language Spoken Pashto, Urdu, English, Cantonese Email “I'm Abbas from Pakistan, with 3 years of experience in Real Estate investment & Asset Management. I look forward to sharing my experience with you all!” Rafal Kusmie...
Urdu, English,“I'm Abbas from Pakistan, with 3 years of experience in Real Estate investment & Asset Management. I look forward to sharing my experience with you all!”
Job satisfaction among public health professionals working in public sector: a cross sectional study from Pakistan Background Job satisfaction largely determines the productivity and efficiency of human resource for health. It literally depicts the extent to which profe... R Kumar,J Ahmed,BT Shaikh,...
Likewise, people with specific industry experience (such as Healthcare, Real Estate, Public Policy etc) can mention that they can help their peers who are interested in getting Industry Specialization at ISB to get their foot on the door in a specific industry. People who have worked in an e...
School of Management, and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management. The MBA program is proud of its diversity and has students from all over the world, including Taiwan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Thailand, Haiti, and Ghana. The acceptance rate for the 2016 intake was 27%, with 74 students ...
选择NUS的原因是对新加坡的喜爱以及对亚洲未来发展的看好,还有一点是因为NUS有Healthcare Management Specialization,如果以后想往Health Sector发展的话可以重点考虑。 * Nicole 大家好,我是Nicole,我读MBA前工作了三年半,分别在中国银行、HSBC工作。 当时选择新加坡主要是想毕业后留这工作。
Muhammad Arif N/A at koncypt Dera Ghāzi Khān, Pakistan Verbinden Ein Ellisor Owner at Roeli &Co Matthews, United States Verbinden Arash Hadi Jafari Family medicin/Internal medicine/Cardiology at ZOAM Medical Ab Gothenburg, Sweden Verbinden David Musil BI Officer at DWF Edinburgh, United King...
This study was conducted to assess the effects of MBA degree on enhancement of skills and career advancement in Pakistan .Business education is getting importance and growing day by day globally and for the sake of assessing worthiness of this degree of
India Cardio Products / Inter Medics, Mumbai New Zealand Intermed Medical Thailand Prime Medical Philippines Pana Healthcare innovation Indonesia Indomedika Malaysia Advance Medical System Pakistan Iqbal & Company Singapore Dispo-Med Nepal PR Associates (P) Ltd....
Pakistan 联合王国(英国) United Kingdom 克罗地亚 Croatia 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan 捷克共和国 Czech Republic 韩国 Korea (ROK) 菲律宾 Philippines 委内瑞拉 Venezuela 丹麦 Denmark 科威特 Kuwait 波兰 Poland 越南 Vietnam 埃及 Egypt 吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan 卡塔尔...