This MBA award responds to continued development of Health Sector managers and to Health Sector organisations. Concepts and methods grounded firmly in practice will be the base of the curriculum. The award is a collaborative effort: UWIC Cardiff School of Management, UWIC Cardiff School ...
因为MBA本身就是走商业路线,它不是走技术路线的。你如果说金融我做腻了,我想要进strategy,那你只要想清楚这个strategy所需要的技能是什么,你怎么能够向他们证明你的transferable skills是能够进入到工作的。比如说你去大厂做海外并购,或者是做内部的internal consulting甚至你想要去转供应链,转运营,我觉得都是有机会的。
③Global Management ④Health Sector Management ⑤Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Design ⑥Leadership ⑦Marketing ⑧Real Estate ⑨Strategy ⑩Sustainability and Society (3)超过100个选修课 (4)社团35+ (5)Pre-MBA Camp & Course ...
项目分支:Marketing Strategy Accounting Finance Global Management Health Sector Management Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Design Leadership Data Analytics and Modeling Operations and Supply Chain Management Real Estate FinTech and Financial Engineering Sustainability and Society 学制:two years总学分: 学...
通常来说做hedge fund和mutual fund投资类的稍微会稳定一些,但如果是偏向于去做VC/PE类的,实际上我觉得并不是一个长期稳定的东西(当然你从一个基金跳出来可以进另一个基金嘛,我觉得也不是很大问题)那就是说希望大家能够先做好research再决定自己长期想要做什么,这是IB的一个exit strategy。
选修课程:学生可以从众多的选修课中选择,以满足个人兴趣和职业发展需求,可选择将学位重点放在Health Sector或者Social Impact上,也可以通过MBA+MS in Digital Technology项目获得双学位。 实践学习:通过实习、毕业项目、学习社区、全球沉浸式课程等方式,让学生将理论知识应用于实际商业环境,增强实践能力和解决问题的能力。
The structure of the course corresponds to the basic knowledge required for a student to fulfill the prerequisites when one enters the arena of career and jobs. Hence, there are also topics like healthcare operations strategy and healthcare analytics and optimization which are useful for the studen...
通常来说做hedge fund和mutual fund投资类的稍微会稳定一些,但如果是偏向于去做VC/PE类的,实际上我觉得并不是一个长期稳定的东西(当然你从一个基金跳出来可以进另一个基金嘛,我觉得也不是很大问题)那就是说希望大家能够先做好research再决定自己长期想要做什么,这是IB的一个exit strategy。
College Park, MD The full-time MBA at the University of Maryland Smith School of Business is STEM designated and allows students to concentrate in subjects like AI & business strategy, consulting, and sustainability. To apply, one letter of recommendation is needed, but the school is test optio...
From 2020 to 2022, Decker served as president and chief operating officer, overseeing areas such as global store operations and supply chain, merchandising, marketing and online strategy. Next:Thasunda Brown Duckett, president and CEO of TIAA...