Management, Healthcare Economics, Healthcare Management, Human Resources in Healthcare, Health Law and Ethics, Total Quality Management (TQM) and other issues in order to ensure that health care is delivered to the population effectively and solve health issues in the community using the appropriate...
The program has an interdisciplinary basis, focusing on Management and Health Economics (hospital administration, human resources, total quality management, financing and planning of health services, economic evaluation), but also negotiation and basic subjects in the fields of Public Health of Epidemiolog...
Unique features:Quinnipiac University is home to one of the most renowned online Healthcare Management MBA programs in the country. The School of Business is AACSB accredited. It’s considered one of the best in the nation by bothU.S. News and World ReportandThe Princeton Review.Faculty are ...
An MBA in healthcare management is a two-year graduate-level business degree program that focuses on preparing individuals to lead and manage healthcare functionality effectively. In simple terms, it’s a specialized education that gets you ready for jobs in healthcare. In this program, you lear...
成立以来,Wharton不断创造商业教育的多个“第一”,包括首创全球第一个研究中心、第一个医疗管理方向的MBA项目(Health Care Management Program)、第一个双语联合学位的MBA项目(MBA/MA Lauder's Korean Program)等等。除了最广为人知的金融领域,Wharton在战略、法律与道德、不动产和公共政策等方面的商业实践中都有着...
是专注于卫生领域的管理课程,旨在培养高级的医疗卫生事业的管理人才,是现在很火的一个方向。Program Overview Curriculum/delivery/assessment is structured in function of six taught modules:Strategic Management Accounts for Decision Makers People and organisations Marketing and Market Research Health ...
For individuals who have at least a Bachelor’s Degree, pursuing an MBA in Healthcare Management Degree through an accredited school, such as the Harvard University MBA in Healthcare Management, can provide them with increased marketability and earning potential in: hospitals medical clinics mental ...
The need for this program was discerned through a series of interviews that were conducted with healthcare executives in the Portland metropolitan area, focus group studies with potential candidates for healthcare management graduate studies, and the expressed wishes of a number of graduates from the...
严峻的全球疫情将医疗健康产业再一次推到聚光灯下,全球对医疗健康管理人才需求增长速度远高于平均水平。MBA Programs in Healthcare Management医疗大健康工商管理MBA成为当今研究生热门教育学位项目。 United Business Institutes比利时联合商学院(简称UBI),源于欧洲总部在比利时布鲁塞尔,传承西方深厚的历史底蕴和学术基因, 是...
运营管理Operations Management 管理经济学Managerial Economics 医疗健康质量管理Quality Mngt in Health Care 医疗健康组织战略管理Strategic Mgmt of Health Srves Organizations 毕业设计:商业战路 Capstone:Business Strategies 注:具体课程设置以中心实际排课计划为准。