US NEWS TOP2 公立大学,Princeton review best business school 全美百强商学院,入选2020全美最佳大学指南大学,全球少于5%获得AACSB认证大学,中国教育部涉外监管网 中美学位互认大学 美国北爱荷华大学MBA课程设置含中美两地,涵盖必修模块,选修模块,商业模块和实战模块4个部分,全英语教学,CORE MODULE FACULTY FROM UNI 核心...
darden 15 yale school of management 14 duke university's fuqua school of business 12 dartmouth college: tuck 12 hec paris 11 harvard business school 10 university of chicago: booth 9 cornell university: johnson 8 london business school 6 mit: sloan 6 northwestern university, kellogg school of ...
5、帝国理工大学商学院 Imperial College Business School帝国理工商学院在整个英国乃至世界上都很有名望,依托帝国理工强大的工科背景,以研究为导向,培养出了很多的优秀管理人才。该院金融相关硕士课程及管理学硕士项目在商科排名中都非常靠前,其教学和研究成果被世界认可。与此同时,帝国理工商学院一直与众多的知名企业和...
哈佛商学院,即Harvard Business School,简称HBS,始建于1908年,坐落在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥镇。它是哈佛商学院是美国哈佛大学下设学院。哈佛大学(Harvard University)是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员,建立于1636年的哈佛大学也是美国最古老、最著名的大学。截至目前,哈佛大学共培养了包括富兰克林·罗...
2021年2月7日,Financial Times一年一度的的全球MBA的榜单新鲜出炉,位于法国和新加坡的Insead位于榜首,第二名是英国的London Business School,第三名才轮到北美的芝加哥大学的Booth商学院。虽然前三只有一所北美的商学院,但前100的MBA的项目中有将近一半都在美国。
Business School rankings and MBA programs acceptance rate, tuition costs and fees, admission requirements, GMAT score and GRE
录取数据:录取率:9.2%入学率:7.9%平均GPA:3.7平均GMAT:730平均GRE:326 申请要求:拥有受认可...
History of business casesWhen Harvard Business School was founded, the faculty realized that there were no textbooks suitable to a graduate program in business. Their first solution to this problem was to interview leading practitioners of business and to write detailed accounts of what these managers...
MBA candidates and graduates share what they learnt at business school and beyond Challenging era puts the traditional MBA under scrutiny What’s in the 2024 Global MBA Ranking report, from US focus to growth of flexible study Supply chains: when the chips are down ...