The University of Washington Foster School of Business The University of West Florida The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania The takeaway Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a finance professional, or a nonprofit worker, having a business analytics background can help you make smart, data...
These MBA programs teach students how to make sense of business data and create mathematical models.
商业分析(Business Analytics)硕士 金融(Finance)硕士 管理学(Management)硕士 市场营销(Marketing)硕士 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)硕士 QS 的五个不同专业的商科硕士排名显示,往年排名较高的硕士项目主要分布于英美地区,今年亦然。 同时,法国依旧保持了往年的超高水准,以全球前10的市场营销硕士项目排名上榜6所...
ABCAM China Finance Director 【 长宁区 】 面议 10年以上 本科 丹纳赫 医疗器械,制药,电气机械/器材 融资未公开 5000-10000人 王女士 人力资源专员 Sales Supervisor 【 成华区 】 20-25k·13薪 3-5年 本科 丹纳赫 医疗器械,制药,电气机械/器材 融资未公开 5000-10000人 刘女士 招聘专员 咨询管...
Master of Finance vs MBA in Finance: What’s the Difference? When researching an MBA in finance program, you may come across discussions on the master of finance degree. Although finance is the core of these two programs, and both offer the potential for career advancement, your career goals...
Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi offers online MBA degrees in business analytics, finance, health care administration, international business, accounting and management. Programs last from 12 to 20 months, according to the school's website. Learn more about Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi....
General or regular MBA programmes include courses inFinance,Marketing,Management,Strategy,Economics, and so on. They have a holistic approach and don’t focus on one subject in particular. The professors’ goal is to make you an overall better businessman/businesswoman and provide the necessary ...
Master of Finance(MFin):MFin课程是为那些有兴趣在金融领域深入学习的学生设计的。课程内容包括投资、金融市场、公司金融、风险管理等。学生将学习金融理论和实践,并且可以通过选修课程来专注于特定的金融领域。 Master of Science in Management Studies(MSMS):这个课程旨在培养具备广泛管理知识的专业人士。它提供了一个...
As data continues to drive business, there is a growing need for those with analytics experience. Learn about online MBA business analytics programs.