If you’re looking for a qualification to enhance your career in finance or establish your finance credentials, the CFA Program is the way to go. If you’re looking for a qualification to boost your career outside of finance, or looking to move across industries, an MBA might be a better...
MCF是博科尼管理学院(隶属于博科尼大学)开设的1年制硕士课程,主要面向有工作经验的同学;MSc Finance是博科尼大学研究生学院开设的2年制硕士课程,主要面向无工作经验或工作经验较少的同学。 博科尼中文网 铁杆会员 8 2.MBA金融方向MBA金融方向是隶属于MBA课程的,以学习企业运营与管理为主,如企业规划、管控与投资、...
Finance MBA在财务方面允许您在投资银行和公司预算等领域专业化。这个学位课程还提供了公司重组和国际市场...
Taking an MS in Finance or Financial Engineering offers the opportunity of working in fields strictly associated with money and expenditure of resources. This is a professional course and hence incorporates a lot of aspects of Economics including its theory and basic practical knowledge which is consi...
复旦大学国际金融学院(Fudan International School of Finance,简称FISF)是按照国际一流商学院管理模式和标准创办,专注于高端金融人才培养和金融领域学术智库研究的商学院。 复旦大学国际金融学院全日制金融MBA项目专为有明确职业规划和愿景,立志重返校园、自我沉淀提升后投身国际金融行业的青年才俊量身打造,旨在通过金融MBA教...
其核心项目为Programme Grande Ecole,其管理硕士专业Master in Management,2021年被QS世界大学排名评为全球第七位,金融硕士专业Master in Finance,2022《金融时报》评为全球第二。 ESSEC 猛升16名来到榜单第54,成功超车EDHEC 埃塞克商学院创建于...
Business Administration(MBA). An MBA offers a broad curriculum in finance, markets, accounting, entrepreneurship, and management. But a more focused alternative that is becoming increasingly popular is a master's degree in finance—also known as Master of Finance, Master's in Finance, or simply ...
Finance professionals can make their road a bit smoother by choosing a master’s program that incorporates much of the content for the CFA exam. That reduces the amount of preparation they’ll have to do later. A list of graduate programs recognized by the CFA Institute is available onth...