项目概述 Program Overview 东华大学与加拿大卡尔顿大学合作举办工商管理硕士(MBA)项目,创立于2003年,获得国家教育部与国务院学位办的批准(批准书编号:MOE31CA1A20030512O)。项目致力于培养兼具国际视野与创新能力的高端工商管理人才,适应全球经济...
项目概述 Program Overview东华大学与加拿大卡尔顿大学合作举办工商管理硕士(MBA)项目,创立于2003年,获得国家教育部与国务院学位办的批准(批准书编号:MOE31CA1A20030512O)。项目致力于培养兼具国际视野与创新能力的高端工商管理人才,适应全球经济一体化的挑战与机遇。详情咨询:鄢老师:15901680971 (微信同号) 免费...
美国罗格斯大学教授讲授组织管理与领导力课程,既讲授国际最前 沿的组织管理与领导力理论,又与中国企业管理实践紧密结合,有助于 MBA 学生从战略 高度进行组织管理,从而提升组织的可持续竞争优势和绩效。 2+1证书:除了可获得华东理工大学研究生学历和学位证书外,美国罗格斯大学颁发Executive HR Graduate Certificate Program...
项目概述 Program Overview 项目亮点 Program Highlights ✦ 权威认证 Official Accreditation 项目经国家教育部留学服务中心认证,确保学位全球认可。 Certified by the Ministry of Education’s Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, ensuring global recognition of the degree. ✦ 核心方向:商业分析 Core Focus 整合...
2+1证书:除了可获得华东理工大学研究生学历和学位证书外,美国罗格斯大学颁发Executive HR Graduate Certificate Program课程证书。 3、华理-英国华威国际班 合作院校为英国华威大学 (University of Warwick),是一所闻名世界的顶尖大学,是 有英国常春藤之称的罗素大学集团成员。2021 年 QS 世界排名 62 位,2021《泰晤士 ...
SUNY College at Oswego also offers an advanced certificate in nursing home administration that is available entirely online. You can start your courses at any time during the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Admission is rolling, meaning you can apply whenever it’s most convenient for you....
Every young person taking part in the programme will receive an ABE Endorsed KidsMBA certificate and they will be part of the international community of KidsMBA schools. Your shark tank (or Dragon's Den) winner/s will have the opportunity to go through to our international competition, the ...
Online MBA degrees are respected when earned from an accredited program with a good reputation. Accreditation validates a program’s quality to hiring managers and other institutions. Although the number of online MBA programs has grown rapidly in the last few years, a 2021surveyof corporate recruit...
Students can earn a certificate in areas such as Business Data Analytics or Marketing alongside their MBA. The 16-month program emphasizes data-driven decision-making, a global mindset, and ethical business practices. The Mays Business School also offers robust career management services, supporting...
The online MBA program launched in 2022. Students can also pursue an integrated graduate certificate in cybersecurity, entrepreneurship and innovation, technology leadership, or compliance and ethics, using those courses as MBA electives. Learn more about the University of North Georgia. Next:6. ...