3. 筑波大学(University of Tsukuba)- 筑波大学的MOT项目侧重于将技术创新与商业战略相结合,培养能够引领技术发展并有效管理技术项目的领导者。 4 立命馆大学(Ritsumeikan University)- 立命馆大学的研究生院确实设有专注于技术管理(Management of Technology,MOT)领域的课程。这些课程通常旨在培养学生在快速变化的技术环境...
He obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Ritsumeikan University in Japan in March 1988. Mr. Yasuhiro Yamada, aged 65, is Executive Director, and Chief Production Officer of the Group. He is responsible for overseeing and managing overall production functions of the Group. He ...