MS accounting是Master of Science(理学硕士)accounting。MBA accounting是MBA,(Master Of Business Administration)的英文缩写,中文称工商管理硕士accounting。MBA是源于欧美国家的一种专门培养中高级职业经理人员的专业硕士学位。MBA是市场经济的产物,培养的是高素质的管理人员、职业经理人和创业者。
someone who is already working within a highly technical business profession such asaccountingmay be eager to gain hard skills within that occupation; for that person, a specialized master's would make the most sense, she says.
The General Online MBA includes accounting, marketing, operations, and analytics courses. Students can engage in optional four-day residencies in Washington, D.C., leveraging the city’s unique public and private sector opportunities. Students participate in weekly live sessions with faculty, group ac...
I talked to two people who hold MEM (software engineering oriented) and would like to share their thoughts. My ex-employer holds a MS (CS) and a MEM, both from the US. He is working in the US for the last 20 years. His vote was for MBA. His point was that most people do not...
其他专业硕士项目:凯洛洛商学院还提供一些专业硕士项目,如市场营销硕士(MS in Marketing)、金融硕士(...
ABACUS、 Accounting and Business Research、The International Journal of Accounting, Journal of International Accounting Research、 Business Strategy and the Environment等发表50余篇文章,论文多次获得British Accounting Review、Accounting and Finance...
Course Curriculum–Core Courses: Fundamental subjects such as Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Leadership, and Operations. –Elective Courses:Specialized subjects based on student interests (e.g., International Business, Healthcare Management). Credit SystemVaries by institution; generally requires completion...
accounting actuarial science business analytics ethics finance general management human resources management marketing project management supply chain management/logistics quantitative analysis/statistics and operations research other AND 2 MORE University of Connecticut Academics Types of MBA programs offered Part...
Ms. Huang Rong Professor Huang Rong, Ph.D. of the University of Texas, is currently a professor in the Accounting Department of the School of Management of Fudan University. Professor Huang Rong is mainly dedicated to performance evaluation, salary design, cost management, enterprise valuation, an...
In a business analytics MBA program, you might take some courses on statistics, data analysis, and emerging tech like AI, but you’ll also spend as much time, if not more, on business foundations such as accounting, people management, and supply chain. An MS in business analytics, meanwhile...