MBA a Degree programme At the end of an MBA programme, students are conferred with MBA degree instead of a Post Graduate Diploma. You do not need any AIU equivalence certificate to accompany your MBA degree while to prove that you have done MBA an equivalence certificate is needed with PGDM...
View all details about MBA Finance course like admission, syllabus, exams, colleges, fees, jobs, salary, and more at
Activity-based management (ABM) is a framework for determining the profitability of every aspect of a business. The end goal is to maximize organizational strengths while minimizing or eliminating weaknesses. Activity-based management can be described in the following steps: identification and analysis,...
Activity-Based Management Activity-based management (ABM) is a framework for determining the profitability of every aspect of a business. The end goal is to maximize organizational strengths while minimizing or eliminating weaknesses. Activity-based management can be described in the following steps: i...
FMS was the first institute in the country to offer management training for professional managers in the form of a part time program. Today FMS has evolved into one of the key management institutes of the country. Courses Offered Master of Business Administration (full time) Master of Business...
项目管理术语词典(1) ABC 基于活动的成本核算 ABM 基于活动的管理 Abstract Resource 抽象资源 Abstraction 抽象 Acceleration 加速 Acceptability Criteria 验收标准 Acceptable Quality Level AQL 可接受质量水平 Acceptance 验收 Acceptance Criteria 验收标准 Acceptance Letters 验收函 Acceptance Number 接受数目 Acceptance ...
Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算 Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理 Activity Calendar 活动日历 Activity Code 活动代码 Activity Definition 活动定义 Activity Description 活动描述 Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间 Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算 Activity Elaboration 活动详述 ...
Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理 Activity Calendar 活动日历 Activity Code 活动代码 Activity Definition 活动定义 Activity Description 活动描述 Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间 Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算 Activity Elaboration 活动详述 Activity File 活动档案 Activi...
Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理 Activity Calendar 活动日历 Activity Code 活动代码 Activity Definition 活动定义 Activity Description 活动描述 Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间 Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算 Activity Elaboration 活动详述 Activity File 活动档案 Activi...
Account-basedmarketing(ABM) is astrategywhere themarketingand sales departments come together to create personalized buying experiences for high-value accounts. Account-basedmarketingis a business-to-business (B2B) approach in which marketing and sales teams work together to target high-value accounts ...