SCARE YOUR FRIENDS WITH THE BEST INTERNET PRANK EVER!! WITH 34 SCARY IMAGES!! This is the original classic Scary Maze Game that went viral on youtube frighteni…
Scary Maze Game is a famous online game prank adapted for iPhone users. The player simply need to move blue dot to red square through the labyrinth and don't to…
《Scary Maze Game prank 2.0》是一款备受Android用户喜爱的在线恶作剧游戏。游戏的目标很简单,玩家只需要通过迷宫将蓝点移动到红色方块,但却需要集中精力以免碰到迷宫两边。 这款游戏有着易用性和额外的功能,给玩家带来了许多优点。首先,游戏的简单规则使得操作容易上手,无论是老少咸宜。其次,游戏设计了三个原始级别的...
Play the classic jumpscare maze prank online. Navigate your mouse through the labirinth to be surprised by a scary screaming face. Ask your unsuspicious friend to complete the game and watch his reaction
Scary Maze Game prank 2.0游戏简介 可怕的迷宫游戏是适合Android用户的着名在线恶作剧。 玩家只需要通过迷宫将蓝点移动到红色方块,不要碰到两边。听起来很容易,但受害者真的需要集中精力。 特别是在三级。 在最意想不到的时刻,恐怖和令人毛骨悚然的怪物突然出现在一起,非常响亮的恐怖尖叫声;)你的朋友会被吓倒!在...
This game is an oldschool jumpscare game which is also called The Exorcist Maze Game or Scary Maze Game. With this scary game you can prank yourself or your friends if they have the skills to manage their way through all the mazes....
I am unfortunately afraid of this infj:( She is an amazing person, talented, beautiful, intelligent, but also scary. I don’t know if she considers me a friend. In this close family situation, it started great then went to places that I couldn’t understand and did not foresee. We’ve...
Use the Scary Maze Game to play a prank on your friends. This Website has lots more shocking Pop Ups to trick people.
Scary Maze is a nerve-wracking prank game in which you have to steer a small dot through a series of mazes without touching the wall. That may sound pretty easy, but it's not. The further you get in the game, the tighter the mazes become and the more winding the curves. So you ne...
Scary Maze Game: Scary Prank: Add Friends Who Play DailyGame Friends will help you to clear hard levels by suggesting simple tricks, you can also request bonus, item, reward, gift etc from friends. Start New Discussion DISCUSSIONSPOSTED ON ↑REPLIESVIEWS Scary Maze Game Scary Prank: Need He...