Maze Runner - La rivelazione: Regia di Wes Ball. Con Dylan O'Brien, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Il giovane eroe Thomas intraprende una missione per trovare una cura per la malattia mortale.
Maze Runner - La fuga: Regia di Wes Ball. Con Dylan O'Brien, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Dopo essere scappati dal labirinto, i protagonisti devono affrontare una nuova serie di pericoli in una zona desolata disseminata di ostaco
"It's kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong." — Minho, The Maze Runner Minho was the Keeper of the Runners and one of the secondary protagonists of The Maze Runner Series. Thomas described Minho as an Asian teenage boy who looks to be a littl
The Maze Runner Wiki is a free, public and collaborative encyclopedia dedicated to James Dashner's young-adult dystopian science fiction Maze Runner Trilogy that anyone can edit! We cover everything from The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, and The Death
In the case of The Maze Runner, the teen cast is inordinately talented. But instead of being given fully fleshed-out characters to play, they're primarily relegated to physical activity and/or exposition delivery. It doesn't matter how ominous and imposing the maze is, or how terrifying the...
Why revel in the atmosphere when instead you could be setting up sequels with a set of fatally-flawed characters, I guess? Not that the plot is all that competent, either. Think too hard and you'll surely slip into one of the broad holes scattering its landscape. The Maze Runner is a...
All of the running in terror leaves little room for quality time with main characters. The Maze Runnerdirector Wes Ball reprises his role behind the camera for the sequel, and the young cast of returning actors is joined by some familiar, adult faces this time around, includingGame of Thrones...
“more” also means more convoluted. The mythology in these dystopian young adult novels-turned-films can be dense at times, but “Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials” crams in more lore, supporting characters, backstories and motivations to the extent that it becomes difficult to get a grasp on...
Related Characters:Thomas Related Themes: Page Numberand Citation:2 Explanation and Analysis: Unlockexplanationsandcitation infofor this and every otherThe Maze Runnerquote. Plus so much more... Get LitCharts A+ Chapter 23 Quotes “Are they changed because they want to go back to their old life...
Maze Runner - Il labirinto: Regia di Wes Ball. Con Dylan O'Brien, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper. Thomas si risveglia senza memoria in mezzo ad un gruppo di ragazzi intrappolato in uno strano labirinto dal quale devono tentare di fuggire.