“Maze” is a terrific little movie; it really is. Named after its setting, a prison in Northern Ireland considered to be all but escape-proof, it’s a throwback to the days when character-driven genre dramas that mixed excitement and emotional connection could still command an audience. But...
Synopsis: Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP, which was to become the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II. MPAA: Rated NR. DISC DETAILS Presentation: Aspect Ratio 2.39:1 Audio: English DTS-HD MA 5.1 English PCM Ste...
There is a distinct strain of melancholy nihilism throughout Stephen Burke’s MAZE. Based on the 1983 prison break by 38 inmates of the eponymous maximum security prison in Norther Ireland, it mixes the suspense of plotting an escape dependant upon split-second timing from an inescapable prison ...
Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declared it was "even worse than we thought" after learning the details behind the top- security Maze prison breakout in which 38 IRA inmates went on the run on 25 September 1983. The mass escape from the Northern Ireland jail became the worst prison ...
Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP Maze, which was to become the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II.
Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP, which was to become the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II. 移动迷宫 The Maze Runner 分类: 动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 冒险片电影 这里四周被高大的石头墙包围着,墙内住着许多男孩,...
a proposedsettlement by the British government was rejected by the hunger strikers.But in October 1981, partial concessions were announced and the only one of thefive demands that wasnt met was the right not to do prison work.Following the famous Maze escape in 1983, the prison workshops were...
Laura McAtackney, An Archaeology of the Troubles: The Dark Heritage of Long Kesh/Maze Prison (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, 295 pp., 70.00[pounds sterling] hardback) Prisons are enigmatic sites. Events that unfurl behind the prison walls mostly...
語言: 英語上映日期: 2017-09-22(英國)片長: 92分鐘IMDb鏈結: tt5752606迷宮的劇情簡介 ··· Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP, which was to become the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II.關於我們...