Can the 2023 Mazda CX-5 still make a name for itself in this hotly contested segment or has its age finally caught up with it? CX-5 Styling Hides The Wrinkles Well While it’s no secret that the CX-5 is starting to age, you would be hard-pressed to find any obvious signs of …...
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制造商 马自达 汽车联盟国际 出产年份 1979–2002 上一代车型 马自达616/618 继任车型 马自达Atenza/马自达6 级别 欧洲:大型家庭用车 北美:紧凑车(1977-1987) 中型车 (1988-2002) 马自达626是日本汽车制造商马自达公司专门为出口市场开发的汽车,它以日本本土市场的卡佩拉作为基础。626在1979年取代了616/618和RX-2...