While he was known by most as TV’s iconic Batman, actor Adam West found a home late in his career on Fox’s animated sitcom, Family Guy, voicing Quahog’s mayor. For nearly two decades, Mayor West was a staple of the series, but that run came to an end with the passing of the...
Vitti, John
Adam West and Seth MacFarlane in Family Guy (1999) Mayor Adam West, Quahog, Rhode Island or Mayor Peter Griffin, New Quahog, Rhode Island as portrayed by Adam West and Seth MacFarlane Vote! Lea Michele and Brandon Micheal Hall in The Mayor (2017) Mayor Courtney Rose, Fort Grey, Calif...
Rodney Bingenheimer. I hadn't heard his name before this film, but the friend I went to a pre-screening had. I am not originally from Southern California, but my friend is. I never knew the influences people can have over a scene. I am so glad there are people like Rodney out there...
Adam Lambert This uber-talented singer (new frontman for Queen) was born in Indiana's capital city of Indianapolis. David Letterman Getty Images Dave Letterman Dave is another obvious one, right? Everyone knows he's from Indiana, right? In case you didn't know, Letterman was born in Napto...
The storylines keep getting weirder and weirder for the mayor of a small town in the Land of Lincoln. It's official, she is the worst mayor in the entire country...
By Adam Tschorn We’re not sure who made Joy Villa’s Grammy Awards dress -- and we’re not sure we want to -- but it was definitely pulling focus on the pre-show red carpet. It looks like it very well could have been made from the rib cage of some prehistoric animal -...
By Adam Tschorn We’re not sure who made Joy Villa’s Grammy Awards dress -- and we’re not sure we want to -- but it was definitely pulling focus on the pre-show red carpet. It looks like it very well could have been made from the rib cage of some prehistori...
By Adam Tschorn We’re not sure who made Joy Villa’s Grammy Awards dress -- and we’re not sure we want to -- but it was definitely pulling focus on the pre-show red carpet. It looks like it very well could have been made from the rib cage of some prehistoric...
By Adam Tschorn We’re not sure who made Joy Villa’s Grammy Awards dress -- and we’re not sure we want to -- but it was definitely pulling focus on the pre-show red carpet. It looks like it very well could have been made from the rib cage of some prehistoric animal -...