a Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn; and the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, b St. Paul’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. Disclosures: None. Read at the 90th Annual Meeting of The American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May...
MAYOCLINIC(梅奥医疗中心)简介 Mayo Clinic (梅奥医疗中心) 简介 梅奥医疗中心是一家国际闻名的大型医疗机构,由美国医学界精英组成,集医疗教育和科研于一身,以治疗各种疑难杂症著称。梅奥自1892年由Dr. Mayo, Dr. Stinchfield, Dr. Graham, Dr. Henry Plummer, Dr. Millet, Dr. Judd, 和Dr. Balfour联合...
2018年美国Mayo Clinic:股骨远端骨骺骨折 2018年美国Mayo Clinic:股骨远端骨骺骨折 作者:Ernest Y Young, Anthony A Stans 作者单位: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. 译者:陶可(北京大学人民医院骨关节科) 摘要 股骨远端骨骺端骨折是一种罕见损伤,占所有骨骺端损伤的不到2%,与...
Mayo Clinic Department of Neurosurgery, Rochester, Minnesota Neurologic Surgery Daniel Claassen, MD, MSVANDERBILT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Nashville, Tennessee Neurology Steven P. Cohen, MDThe Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Pain Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Pain Medicine Douglas...