ByNews Release A collaboration between Mayo Clinic and Verily will focus on the development of a digital point-of-care resource of vetted knowledge to support an individualized approach to patient care. This modular, evidence-based decision support solution, will provide contextualized and va...
Kurland LT , Molgaard CA , Schoenberg BS. Mayo Clinic records-linkage: contributions to neuroepidemiology. Neuroepidemiology 1982 : 1 : 102 – 114 .Kurland LT, Molgaard CA, Schoenberg BS. Mayo Clinic records-linkage: contributions to neuro- epidemiology. Neuroepidenuology 1982;l:102-14....
To test the AI-based diagnosis method, researchers gathered 2,454 study participants, all of whom were Mayo Clinic patients from the US and 11 other countries. They were asked to download an application that allowed them to upload their Apple Watch ECGs to their EHRs. They u...
Contrary to what Mayo has said in its responses to CNN’s story, CNN did investigate these claims. CNN asked county authorities for records in this case, but the authorities declined to release any documents or make any comments, citing privacy concerns. ...
The study was approved byThe Mayo ClinicInstitutional Review Board. Data from theelectronic medical records(EMR) of all patients who were evaluated during the interval between June 1, 2004 and July 31, 2012 at the Mayo Clinic Addiction Treatment Program, either in the Intensive Addiction-treatment...
Long, Don
A Complex Operation; After maintaining paper records for decades, the Mayo Clinic has embraced digitized health information systems to better manage patient care and trim costs. Adoption has brought some pain.Virzi, Anna Maria