对于不经常食用海鲜的人来说omega-3补充剂也是一个不错的选择。每天服用500-4000mg的omega-3是改善长期心血管的有效方式,特别是对于TG水平升高的高危人群和不经常食用鱼类的人群。 参考文献:THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE mayoclinicproceedings.org30411-2/fulltext...
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Cardioprotection - Source: Mayo Clinic Proceedings, March 2008click here
期刊名称:《Mayo Clinic Proceedings》 | 2012年第12期 34.Predictors of Omega-3 Index in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction 机译:急性心肌梗死患者Omega-3指数的预测指标 作者:Adam C. Salisbury;Amit P. Amin;William S. Harris;Paul S. Chan;Kensey L. Gosch;Michael W. Rich;James H. OKeefe...
期刊名称:《Mayo Clinic Proceedings》 | 2018年第8期 2.In reply-Low-Sodium Intake: A Risk Factor for Stroke? 机译:在回复 - 低钠摄入量:中风的危险因素? 作者:Kieneker Lyanne M.;Eisenga Michele F.;Bakker Stephan J. L. 期刊名称:《Mayo Clinic Proceedings》 | 2019年第4期 3.Long-Term We...
Serum Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and the Metabolic Syndrome: A Longitudinal Population-based Cohort Study The serum fatty acid composition reflects the dietary fatty acid composition from the past few days to several weeks. However, the role of serum omega-3 (f... V Mauno,S Juha,S ...
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a million hours of training were provided to prepare for the first patient's arrival--the epitome of putting the patient first.BY MICHELE Y. HALYARDMATTHEW F. MCELRATHDONNA L. ABBOTTTHOMAS C. BOURAND JAMES G. ANDERSON