“Off-the-shelf ginseng is sometimes processed using ethanol, which can give it estrogen-like properties that may be harmful to breast cancer patients,” says researcher Debra Barton, Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. At four weeks, the pure ginseng provided only a slight improvement ...
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Each year at my physical, my health care professional tells me what my blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rate numbers are during the appointment. What do those numbers mean for my overall health? ANSWER: Knowing and understanding key health numbers—bloodpressure, cholesterol...
healthcare Article Enhanced Recovery: A Decade of Experience and Future Prospects at the Mayo Clinic Jenna K. Lovely * and David W. Larson Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55902, USA; larson.david2@mayo.edu * Correspondence: lovely.jenna@mayo.edu; Tel.: +1-507-255-6825 Abstract: This work ...