“Off-the-shelf ginseng is sometimes processed using ethanol, which can give it estrogen-like properties that may be harmful to breast cancer patients,” says researcher Debra Barton, Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. At four weeks, the pure ginseng provided only a slight improvement ...
2) a statement that the manuscript has been adequately revised according to the reviewers' comments and in accord withMayo Clinic Proceedings'journal style; and 3) a request that the paper be processed through the rapid review pathway atMayo Clinic Proceedings. The authors should submit both a ...
such as asking people to engage in laughter. TheMayo Clinic Staff (2021)further elucidated that laughter can stimulate various organs, such as the heart, the lungs, and muscles, by increasing the intake of oxygen. It can also increaseendorphinrelease by the brain. Laughter can also relieve str...
BackgroundIn July 2020, Mayo Clinic launched Advanced Care at Home (ACH), a high-acuity virtual hybrid hospital-at-home model (HaH) of care at Mayo Clinic Florida and Northwest Wisconsin, an urban destination medical center and a rural community practice respectively. This study aims to ...