從鳳凰城的主要機場——斯卡茨代爾機場(Scottsdale Airport)或天港國際機場(Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport)前往Sonesta Select Scottsdale at Mayo Clinic Campus,交通相當便利。若您選擇從天港國際機場出發,您可以搭乘出租車或使用共享乘車服務,約需25分鐘的車程,沿著I-10和AZ-51高速公路行駛,便可輕鬆...
Mayo Clinic Arizona Scottsdale, AZ1. Bronchoscopy2. Left lung mass biopsy3. Liver biopsy4. Right lung needle biopsy5. Supraclavicular lymph node biopsyColin B. FittererJames M. Parish
Luxury AZ private homes for lease or rent by owners at Eagle Mountain Golf Course in Fountain Hills Arizona near Scottsdale & Mayo Clinic.
Cardiac events after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT): William T Savage III, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; Mahmoud M Yousfi, Hasan Loutfi, David C Mulligan, M E Harrison, Hugo E Vargas, Vijayan Balan, Adyr A Moss, Jorge Rakela, David D Douglas, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ...
凤凰城梅奥医学中心沙漠景观原住客栈 (Residence Inn Phoenix Desert View at Mayo Clinic) 3等级(最高为5等级) 5665 E. Mayo Boulevard, 北斯科茨代尔, 菲尼克斯(AZ), 美国, 85054-查看地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 Wi-Fi吧! 住宿位于菲尼克斯(AZ)北斯科茨代尔的...
斯利普飯店北斯科茨代爾梅奧診所附近 (Sleep Inn North Scottsdale near Mayo Clinic) 滿分5顆星,住宿獲得2.5顆星 16630 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale Arizona, 北斯科茨代爾, 鳳凰城(AZ), 美國, 85254-查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿提供免費Wi-Fi和免費停車服務,讓您保持連線,並來去自如。 住宿位於鳳凰城(AZ)北斯...
AZ671097 (Dec. 14, 2000). Cramton et al., “The intercellular adhesion (ica) locus is present in Staphylococcus aureus and is required for biofilm formation,” Infect. Immun., 1999, 67:5427-5433. Deighton et al., “Methods for studying biofilms produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis,” ...
The invention relates to biosynthetic maturation of cell surface polypeptides and, more specifically, to particular CFTR polypeptides which exhibit increased transport to the cell surface and tripeptide amino acid sequences that promote or enhance transport of export-incompetent CFTR to the cell surface....
Departments of Pulmonary Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic Arizona Scottsdale, AZ1. Bronchoscopy2. Needle biopsy of the mass3. Thoracentesis4. 1 or 35. All of the aboveRamachandra R. SistaLewis J. Wesselius
Daniel S ChildsDepartment of Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNJacob OrmeDepartment of Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNAlan Haruo BryceMayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZIrbaz Bin RiazDivision of Hematology and Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ...