“The single biggest challenge is the ocean itself,” says Brett Phaneuf, Co-founder of ProMare, a marine research and exploration organization. “No ship has ever been built that can survive whatever the ocean could throw at it.” In 1620, despite the vast challenge ahead, 102 passengers of...
KnowledgeBeforethepassengerswentashore,theydrewupaninstrumentof self-governmentforthelittlebandtoreplacetheoriginalpatent.This immortalMayflowerCompactwasmodeledontheCovenantbywhichthe PilgrimshadlivedinLeydenformorethanadecadeandwaslaterhailed byJohnQuincyAdams,amongothers,asthefirstexampleinmoderntimes ...
Kamala Harris' family tree tells a tale of migration and education Discoveries ▲Back to top
The Mayflower remained anchored in the harbor as the passengers were taken ashore to walk off the months of travel, bathe, and wash their clothing and linens. As some of the colonists assembled the shallop, Captain Standish and his sixteen armed men continued to explore the immediate area to...
“The single biggest challenge is the ocean itself,” says Brett Phaneuf, Co-founder of ProMare, a marine research and exploration organization. “No ship has ever been built that can survive whatever the ocean could throw at it.” In 1620, despite the vast challenge ahead, 102 passengers of...
“The single biggest challenge is the ocean itself,” says Brett Phaneuf, Co-founder of ProMare, a marine research and exploration organization. “No ship has ever been built that can survive whatever the ocean could throw at it.” In 1620, despite the vast challenge ahead, 102 passengers of...