” a tall, cold “Soulwinder” and a small, chill bowl of “Maybe Meant to Be.” Come on down and hang out with us by the Webcomics pool. The water is nice and cool.
If this was any other show, this would be the B plot. When they interrupt the samurai space battles just to cut to two randos dithering about their hormones-to-spoken-words ratio, I’m the first to shout “SAY IT! SAY IT!” at the screen. But in this case, there’s nothing to d...
Anyways, thekamuroleave Zenitsu, I mean, Zeniko alone for a bit to recoup from their injuries. Zeniko starts to relax, and then bolts of cloth snake down from the ceiling like tentacles to ensnare her. As it turns out, Warabihime meant to cause serious inj...