Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring的演职员 ··· ( 全部14 ) 约瑟夫·萨金特 导演 莎莉·菲尔德 演员 大卫·卡拉丁 演员 埃琳诺·帕克 演员 杰基·库珀 演员 Bruce Feldman 编剧 Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring的图片 ··· ( 图片8· 添加 ) 我要写短评 Maybe I'll Come Hom...
电影 maybei'llcomehomeinthespring 1971 /美国 /剧情 /74分钟 主演: 莎莉·菲尔德 大卫·卡拉丁 埃琳诺·帕克 杰基·库珀导演: 约瑟夫·萨金特演职人员 约瑟夫·萨金特 导演 莎莉·菲尔德 主演 大卫·卡拉丁 主演 埃琳诺·帕克 主演 杰基·库珀 主演
猫眼电影 > Maybe I'll Come Home in the SpringMaybe I'll Come Home in the Spring 剧情 莎莉·菲尔德 / 杰基·库珀 / 埃莉诺·帕克 1971-02-16美国上映 / 74分钟简介 Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their dis...
简介 Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footst...
I can live only wholly with you or not at all Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul en-wrapped in you into the land of spirits ...
(1971) 电影 maybei'llcomehomeinthespring 上映: 1971-01-01 地区: 美国类型: 剧情导演: 约瑟夫·萨金特主演: 莎莉·菲尔德大卫·卡拉丁埃琳诺·帕克杰基·库珀分享 剧情电影排行榜 1 再见李可乐 2 我本是高山 9.5 3 泰坦尼克号 6.6 4 长空之王 5 坚如磐石 6 年会不能停 7 涉过愤怒的海 7.5 8 八角...
Then I turned around and lo钢为决脸要oked up at the window. "Who,me?" "Yes . . . you!" "But it's pouring, Mrs. Gorsky," I called. "So? You won't melt." Maybe I奏或次饭百画必个will. Then you'll be in big trouble because myfamily will come looking for me and you'll...