Car Loan:This loan is provided for purchasing new or second hand car as well as the reconditioned or improvised automobiles. The details of the rate, financing, tenure and repayment can be obtained from the website. Maybank Malaysia Branch ...
Maybank Islamic offers various types of loans for buying old or new home, car or something else. The products which are currently offered by the bank are as follows. Hire Purchase - i: This loan is offered for buying old or new car, vehicles etc. It provides the loan value which is 90...
Bumi Armada Berhad, Malaysia’s largest owner and operator of OSVs (and third largest in South East Asia), and is currently also the eighth largest FPSO player in the world, made an impressive debut on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange(Bursa Malaysia) today. This Oil and gas services provider...
Car Loan Personal Credit Property Loans Share Loan Cards The debit and credit cards offer by Maybank Singapore can be used for purchasing at more than 300 retail outlets in Singapore. Discounts, promotions and rewards such as Isavvy suite cash rewards, Hugo Boss Timepiece, treat points and many...