Mayanot Israel offers you a variety of different trip options to suit your style. So just choose the trip option that’s the best fit for you.My Adventure Trips 18-22 7-10 days Looking for the classic Mayanot Birthright trip? You've arrived. Meet a diverse group of young Jews from...
Experience Israel Come Back Again Bring Your Parents This trip is a gift from Birthright Israel. The gift of a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of thousands of donors including individual donors and foundations, and alumni and their families that support Birtright Israel Fo...
Israel 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Bora Bora Beach Bar ¥217/人 海鲜 直线距离34.2km Bein Kramim Restaurant ¥63/人 中东料理 直线距离48.1km Lebanese House Restaurant 5.0 分 1条点评 ¥396/人 中东料理...
( Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem dedicated a new administrative center last week. Named for Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, of blessed memory, the center, explains director Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner, will consolidate all of Mayanot’s administrative activities, including...
Mayanot Israel will have dozens of Birthright trips throughout the year. Just take your pick! We guarantee that we’ve got departure dates that work for you.
We've heard just about every Birthright-Israel-related question you might imagine, so we've compiled the most common one's for you here.
The gift of a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of thousands of donors including individual donors and foundations, and alumni and their families that support Birtright Israel Foundation in the United States as well as the people of Israel through the Goverment of Israel and...
The gift of a Birthright Israel trip is made possible thanks to tens of thousands of donors including individual donors and foundations, and alumni and their families that support Birtright Israel Foundation in the United States as well as the people of Israel through the Goverment of Israel and...
Complete your Birthright Israel application & get the info you need to ensure that your trip to Israel goes off without a hitch.
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