1. Myths and Legends of Scotland Average 2. Japanese Mythology - The Creation Tough 3. Fascinating Mythology from the Ryukyuan Isles Tough 4. Myths and Legends of Lithuania Tough 5. I am the God or Goddess of War Easier 6. Filipino Mythical Creatures Average 7. Gods and Pumas and...
The myths and legends of Native American cultures record a time when destruction came from the sky and destroyed all the giant animals. These legends seem to describe events surrounding the last great mass extinction, that of the Ice Age megafauna around 10,500 BC. The latest research seems to...
When our ancestors were merely to record data, and used for astronomical divination; Maya has begun operation rules carefully observation, to study the objects; when the Greeks resorted to Beautiful myths and legends describe when the sky
period the Mayans perfected mathematics, astronomy, arts, and architecture. Within mathematics and astronomy, the Mayans were able to accurately calculate the positions and paths Venus would follow in the sky. The Mayans also left behind many legends and stories, and also prophecies and predictions...
You will be guided by a local expert through the secrets, facts, myths, and wonderful legends of the ancient Mayan civilization About the operator Don’t take it from us – here’s what people have to say about this operator: nataliebD5282LW ...
The prophecies about 2012 are a collection of myths and legends, independent of academic scholarship, spread by television, commercial publications and digital computer networks, Kovacevich says. Not only are they inaccurate, they exploit, misrepresent and romanticize the Maya culture, she says. Provid...
Someone HAS collectedNative People’s prophecies, myths and legends, and published them in one place. That someone's name is Will "Blueotter" Anderson... an associate of Mad Bear Anderson's close friend John "Rolling Thunder" Pope, the most famous medicine man of the 20th century. These ...
MKB: In some ways, it seems that this has given people like Mayanists and archaeo-astronomers a role in modern culture that they don’t normally have. You talk about Anthony Aveni having an email conversation with a teenager and trying to debunk the myths and reassure this kid that the ...
Their legends tell that a person, or a god, named Itzamma, came down to the Mayan people and delivered information about language, writing, mathematics and the calendar. So they received this information as a gift. Where Itzamma came from, and where he went, we do not really know. And...