However, in the Mayan creation myth, humans were created only to worship the gods. In the Norse creation myth, humans were instructed to take care of the earth. The Egyptian creation myth is a little different than the other myths. The Egyptian creation myth wanted the humans to take care...
Babylonian Mythology | Creation Myth & Ancient Gods6:57 Epic of Gilgamesh | Summary, Characters & Analysis11:13 Ancient Greek Religion | Overview, Facts & Development17:21 The Odyssey by Homer | Summary & Analysis18:22 Roman Religion & Mythology | Overview & Beliefs5:36 ...
Each of the sacred texts of Christianity, Greek Polytheism, Ancient Macedonian Religion, and Judaism outlines an apocalypse myth which illustrates a near end of the world, and in each myth, the gods or God select survivors. Although each religion is unique, there are some stark similarities amo...