用户手册 > 建模 > 多边形建模 > 多边形菜单 > 法线(Normals) > 法线> 解除锁定法线(Normals > Unlock Normals) 解除锁定顶点法线。法线对着色的多边形的外观有直接影响。可以通过先解除锁定并编辑法线,然后再锁定这些法线来修改多边形的外观。使用该选项可解除锁定已锁定的法线。
If this isn't possible, would anyone be kind enough to write a mel script that would successfully unlock normals while simultaniously assessing which edges were already soft or hard and reapplying them in an unlocked form and that works in Maya 2012/2011? I would deeply appreciate this!
To change the X, Y, or Z values for normals, you need to unlock the normals using Mesh Display > Unlock Normals. The normal values you specify (or if you use the default values) are fixed for each normal associated with the vertex or vertex/face component. This means that if you ...
When the vertex normals for a polygon mesh are manually edited they become locked or frozen. When you unlock a previously locked vertex normal, Maya automatically recalculates the vertex normal for the face based on its default normal calculations. Related topics Edit the vertex normals to ...
#110 如何添加或修改Maya默认菜单? 精神病院里某人问道,2014里的blind data editor哪里去了? 以前是在Window->General Editors里,好吧也许是自动桌觉得这种东西没必要单独占一个菜单,所以把他拿掉了,如果你有强迫症的话,你可以把他再加回去 如何加到”主”菜单...
Parameters: [in] vertexList The vertices to unlock normals for Returns: Status code Status Codes: MS::kSuccess The method was successful. MS::kFailure An object error has occurred.MStatus MFnMesh::unlockFaceVertexNormals ( MIntArray & faceList, MIntArray & vertexList ) Unlock Normals...
If you get this error for a particular setting (in the example above, referred to as ‘x’), that you right-click on the actual ‘text’ label of it’s UI in Maya and select “Unlock Attribute”, to ensure this particular setting can be updated in Maya by Deadline. An example ...
Unlock the intensity attribute of the light.Wrong transformation used in the pre-render stageWhen rendering animation, V-Ray does a pre-render export to potentially cache the entire camera animation path. However, in some cases and especially with Maya Hair, the pre-render export is evaluated ...
To prevent this you need to lock all joints and unlock the joints you are currently working on. It works, but it’s cumbersome since you have to do this routine every time you smooth another set of joints. Here I’d also recommend usingBrave Rabbit’s pluginwhere it only smooth/assign ...
If you do it, you will just have to do it also from the Hard Mesh workflow window to unlock the update of the window. Isolating the current elements is a great way for focusing just on the current operator inputs and result. Input Visibility - All / Current ...