22岁的消防员刘代旭在这场大火中英勇献身,用自己的身躯守护了一方平安。 刘代旭葬礼上的湖人球衣让每一位湖人工作人员为之扼腕也牵动了大洋彼岸球队里每个人的心。希望代旭能在天堂能获得永久的安宁也希望篮球能在天堂永远陪伴代旭! May You...
湖人官方致敬消防员刘代旭:May You Rest In Eternal Peace 英雄一路走好[蜡烛]#湖人致敬刘代旭#
30 Hollywood Celebrities You’d Be Surprised to Know Have Dated Each Other in the Past 1/7/2025 by Sweta Rath FandomWire Janet Jackson Groped by Backup Dancer During Las Vegas Residency Performance, 20 Years After Super Bowl Malfunction
May you rest in eternal peace. [蜡烛][蜡烛][蜡烛]【转发】@xiaolwl:今天核酸检测结果阳性,尘埃落定,终于确诊了 2武汉·武汉市中心医院
May she rest in peace in the light of Your eternal grace. Que descanse en paz, iluminada por tu gracia eterna. Literature My mother’s sauce, may she rest in peace. La salsa de mi madre, que en paz descanse. Literature The gospel according to Alice Maxwell, may she rest in...
May you enjoy eternal peace and good health. ⑫ 生意兴隆 May your business is booming. ⑬ 恭贺新禧 I wish you best wishes for a happy new year. ⑭ 吉星高照 I wish you good luck in the year ahead! ⑮ 新的一年,新的开始
how are you doing (or: how you doiin) 你好。 whats up 什么事 或是: 你好 lol 大笑 = laugh out loud so long 一般不用它。。。意思是:再见 what are you into(what you into) 你对什么感兴趣 Im into you. 我喜欢你 Im into.。。。 我喜欢。。。对。。。赶兴趣 wanna want to 和 wanted...
We pray that his soul may rest in eternal peace. Amen. Jehangir and Maleksultan in front of a large portrait photo of Mawlana Hazar Imam. My dad was a prolific writer. In England, he edited the flagship Ismaili religious magazine, Ilm, for several years while he served with my mother...
This is teachers day and a time to be grateful to all teachers, this profession deserves the special recognition and pect, there is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field, you have my eternal gratefulness, have a happy teachers day. ...
The night is waiting for your birthday. When the bell rings, I will share your day with you, and my heart is with you. 7、一句问候,一声祝福,一切如愿,一生幸福,一世平安。祝生日快乐! A greeting, a blessing, all the wish, the happiness of life, the peace of the first world. Happy bir...