you’d think it happened if you looked at some of these still shots, but in reality the closest thing to physical contact that occurs in this whole sequence is when they hold hands and half-way hug. It would have been awkward, but they pretend like they’re kissing so well, that you...
Omar Foundation has taken on the responsibility of organizing these facilities and services for three schools in one of the poorest Union Councils in Mardan (where people who are hosting these families are so poor, that they can barely afford the hospitality now, let alone on a long term basis...
And Nagarjuna said, “If in an old house for centuries there has been darkness and you bring a candle, can the darkness say, ‘For centuries and centuries I have been here — I cannot go out just because you have brought a candle in. I have lived so long’? Can the darkness give ...
If we consider the qualities applied to God and examine them carefully we find that the grounds for all of these attributes lie in our own experience of this material world. Pir Shiahbu’d-din Shah writes in his work Risala dar Haqiqati Din (True Meaning of Religion): “…people ...
After that first rehearsal when Steve had said “He’s in”, Kelvin gave me a tape of the B-Team full live set and said, “You’re going to need to learn all these for the next gig.” I replied “No problem, when is it?” ...
bulk. This left nail polish companies with the relatively simple tasks of bottling, packaging, selling and distributing the polish meaning that they could to start with relatively small overheads. A number of new nail polish firms began in this way, perhaps the most important of which was ...
First of all, those of you who don’t know the meaning of the second word, here it is from Wikipedia: “Ultracrepidarianismis the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge. The termultracrepidarianwas first publicly recorded in 1819 by the essayist Will...
This is a staggering statistic. No other group of people in world history has ever come close to matching the number of Jewish expulsions. Here’s an abridged version just to give you an idea how long-term and world-wide the Jewish problem really is: “Carthage 250, Alexandria 415, Franc...