Click onhighlightedlyrics to explain. May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the rains fall soft upon you And the sun shine warm upon your face And true be the hearts that love you Peace ever with you and until we meet again ...
There weren’t a lot of slow, tender ballads from this group; for the most part, the music was so fast the Road Runner could have used it as a soundtrack while eluding Wile E. Coyote. Those are some of the similarities Oh’s music had to rock, but overall her set was jazz ...
I've been eager to hear the follow up toSeven Evils Spawned Of Seven Headsever since I covered it in the more primitiveFebruary 2021version of these lists - back when it was just me, a shitload of time thanks to COVID, and no other writers helping me (yet). Sure enough, they haven...
Zenith, the UK’s leading independent leasing, vehicle outsourcing and fleet management provider, has hopped on board with Liftshare to promote sustainable travel amongst their employees – with 68% of the workforce signing up! Launching their scheme, Driven Together, in April at their Leeds site...
are true hymns to resilience, whose beauty and strength of both lyrics and music symbolise hope and faith in humanity. This project’s aim is to do justice to this musical heritage and to honour its past performers. The American countertenor Reginald Mobley, a rising figure in baroque music,...
This is why I cringe every time someone says “but people are waking up, we’re ready now” because they’re just looking through the lens of “I’m fine, so everyone else must be”. But maybe I’m wrong, I’d love to be corrected on this front. Log in to Reply cu.h.j on...
There weren’t a lot of slow, tender ballads from this group; for the most part, the music was so fast the Road Runner could have used it as a soundtrack while eluding Wile E. Coyote. Those are some of the similarities Oh’s music had to rock, but overall her set was jazz ...
The LA duo Coast Modern – comprised of Coleman Trapp and Luke Atlas – release their newest song, “Dive” – a certified summer jam that has all the elements that make for a perfect night, with lyrics that talk about sunrises, love, and of course – in the bands own words, the “...
But it really didn’t break through until the Byrds recorded it as a follow up to their number one hit Mr. Tambourine Man.The lyrics to the song are catchy, especially in the version recorded by the Byrds. Over the years other artists and groups have recorded it, but it is the Byrds...
This is a strong A-side for her and in a string of them, that’s always great to see! 2. Chit Chat ~did I tell you about yesterday?~ opens up the B-side of the single and Chit Chat carries on with the guitars acting in the song to a more dance-centric track. Though the feel...