May the Force Be WIth You (Circular Reasoning)As a real world demonstration of the banked racetrack analogy ["bowling" vid attachment and below quote] of a cir:cling plane with or without wind, in the attached vid note that: 1. The ball and bowl exchange momentum with mutually opposing ...
To start things off you would need to configure your network settings in the browser to use Burp Suite, to funnel all the data through it. For our browser, we will be usingMozilla Firefoxfor this tutorial. We would suggest installing an extension,Proxy Switcherto make it easier to swap bet...
“The Force will be with you” is a phrase in Star Wars that was first given to us – the audience – as a promise. It’s Obi-Wan giving Luke the confidence he needs to save the day. It’s Ezra granting hope to Lothal as he removes Thrawn from the wa...
From here in the U.S. to galaxies far far away, May the 4 is now known universally as “Star WarsDay,” thanks to a pun on that famousStar Warsquote, “May the force be with you.” According, the first notable occurrence with the May 4 pun took place on that da...
Image Tools May The Force Be With You! ByErinLindsay April 14, 2014 906 views View ErinLindsay's images Share Followers1 Lightforce 140 Lance Hid Not For Release! 80%Complete 1997chevyboy 1
It starts off with a different talk about the different (and inconsistent) roles that the Force Theme/Binary Sunset/May the Force Be With You leitmotif plays over the course of the films: how it's used for Obi-Wan in the OT but not in the prequel trilogy; and how it gets played...
carried out for cable channel Artsworld in Great Britain in 2004, coinciding with the network's launch of the 440th birthday of playwright William Shakespeare. Recognition of a quote spoken by character Obi-Wan Kenobi from a Star Wars film; Familiarity of young people with Shakespeare's works....
Don’t worry, I made you a May the FORCE Be With You card too :) Simply make a May the Force Be With You Card instead!Or check out our Father’s Day Star Wars Card version too. You Are My Father…Need more Star Wars Fun for May the Fourth? I’ve got you covered…...
It was a dream that had to be put on hold several times, a dream that dashed his 45 by circumstances beyond his immediate control, and a dream that cost him his life when it is finally 46.Some of you must 47 this story; in the story this man dealt with 48 businesses, personal ...