TheMay Saints Days Calendar lists the names of Saints whose martyrdom and Sainthood is celebrated throughout the month of May. Also commonly referred to asFeast Days, Saints Days are part of our collection ofReligious Calendars. May Saints Day Calendar May 1st: Saint Joseph the Worker May 2nd:...
Shakspeare, whose slightest allusion to any subject gives it an undying interest, has immortalized these sports. Justice Shallow, in his enumeration of the four bravest roisterers of his early days, names 'Will Squell, a Cotswold man;' and the mishap of Master Page's fallow greyhound, who ...
doi:info:doi/10.7227/BJRL.74.1.10Rastetter, Susan JBulletin of the John Rylands Library
Feast Day:St. Philip and St. James the Less, apostles. St. Andeolus, martyr, 208. Saints Acius and Acheolus, martyrs, of Amiens, about 290. St. Amator, Bishop of Auxerre, 418. St. Briocus, of Wales, about 502. St. Sigismund, King of Burgundy, about 517. St. Marcon, abbot of...
Today is Store Bededag or Dýri biðidagur (Great Prayer Day) a holiday within the Danish Realm, where several Saints are honored in one day instead of spreading it out to multiple days. Historically it as well commemorated Danes who died defending Copenhagen. Show more ...
Saturday Saints- #70 For the third time this series finds itself at the letter “P.” This time our saint for today is Saint Philip of Agira: Saint Philip of Agira(alsoAggira,Agirone,AgiryaorArgira) was an early Christian confessor. There are two parallel stories of this saint which ...
He would be the worker, the painter, as he loved to clean and decorate the church, and so prepare the feast days in an attractive way for the people who loved the external manifestations of Religion. Calm by nature, but firm, he knew in all the difficulties common to all zealous priests...
May saints have done exactly that. In doing so they have aided in the reformation of the Church in times of scandal, to the great glory of almighty God. Consider: there were many, filled with self righteousness, who said to Christ “this saying is hard, who can believe it?”(John c...
Now attend thy sportful feast, Of which some days I with design have past; A part in April and a part in May Thou claim’st, and both command my tuneful lay; And as the confines of two months are thine To sing of both the double task be mine." - Ovid "Upon the first...
The “liturgical seasons” link is toThe Liturgical Seasons of the Catholic Church. But see alsoLiturgical year – Wikipedia, about the “cycle ofliturgicalseasons inChristian churchesthat determines whenfeast days, includingcelebrations of saints, are to be observed, and which portions ofScriptureare...