As part of my collection of anti-libertarian jokes, I shareda mosaicback in 2012 purporting to show the 24 types of libertarians. Well, turnabout is fair play. Here’ssomething similar, showing the 24 types of authoritarians, from thelibertarian pageonReddit. I actually think the matrix of ...
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | View List Of Years | Historical Events In May - 13Wednesday, 12 February 20250384 On this day in history servatius/Aravatius, bishop of Tongeren, dies at 65+ 0535 St ...
The story of Anne, a French woman in her 50s, was recently broadcast on the French TV channel TFI. Anne explained how she ended up paying 830,000 Euros ($1.2 million) to swindlers posing as a sickly Brad Pitt, who was supposedly in love with her. The ...
They explained the Tyrannosaurus specimens “exhibit such a remarkable degree of proportional variations, distributed at different stratigraphic levels, that the pattern favors multiple species at least partly separated by time; ontogenetic and sexual causes being less consistent with the data.” “Variatio...
Sun, 24 December 2023 The StarWell Foundation Episode 5 (an OMV Podcast production) The StarWell Foundation is a production of OMV Podcast What comicbook story is complete without a game changing weapon? And a multi-pronged plan is hatched. ...
A search of the NOW (News on the Web) corpus shows that until late 2020, the use of “jab” had held steady for decades at a quiet frequency of 2 to 3 appearances for every million words. All that changed when uses of “jab” rose sharply in November and December, then skyrocketed ...
Reddit More LikeLoading... 5 Comments Filed underDay by day Tagged asargument,arrangement,Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite,breakup,drunk,ego,flowerpot,George Harrison,Get Back film,I'm Paul McCartney,January 13,John Lennon,Linda Eastman,lunchroom tape,microphone,musical differences,Paul McCartney...
In December [1955] I received from Buenos Aires the first copy of my Yiddish testimony“And the World Stayed Silent,”which I had finished on the boat to Brazil. The singer Yehudit Moretzka and her editor friend Mark Turkov had kept their word—except that theynever didsend back the manus...
See my December presentation for more details about the divergence. On p. 9 they write: “A 2013 study showed that 937 people owned half of all bitcoin, although that is changing today.” First off, this is a typo because the original article the authors cite, actually says the number ...
Society of Gastroenterology has found. An abundance of omega-6 fatty acids like linolenic acid (LA) — commonly found in canola oil, soybean, corn and peanuts — has been strongly linked to “chronic inflammation and colorectal cancer (CRC) development and progression,” the stu...